Saturday, April 29, 2023

Shaman (new class)

Barbarians will only accept magic from their tribal faith but who are those divine casters? Here is my take on the barbarian clerics, a druid-barbarian mashup. Enjoy! 


Requirements: Minimum STR 9. Minimum DEX 9

Prime requisite: CON and WIS

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather, chainmail, shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common

Prime requisites: A shaman with at least 13 in one prime requisite gains a 5% bonus to experience. If both CON and WIS are 16 or higher, the shaman gets a +10% bonus. 

Literacy: A 1st level shaman cannot read or write, irrespective of INT score

Cure Poison

As barbarian.

Divine Casting

As a druid of the same level with the exception that a shaman may not use any magic item unless it is associated with the faith of their tribe.


As druid

Fear Magic

As barbarian.

Pass Without a Trace

As druid.

Path Finding

As druid.

Shape Change

As druid.

Strike Invulnerable Monsters

As barbarian.

After reaching 8th level

A shaman may raise a horde as a barbarian can.

Shaman Level Progression

The Shaman is the same as a regular barbarian in every regard to level progression with the addition of spells learnt as if they were a druid of the same level.

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