Saturday, May 27, 2023

Holy Slayer (new class)

 Instruments of the gods, holy slayers are assassins tied to religious institutions. In my own game world this would be followers of the Unnamed Saint of Nkume. In many regards the class is very similar to the assassin with a few adjustments.

Holy Slayer

Requirements: Minimum WIS 9

Prime requisite: DEX

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather, shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common

Alignment: Holy Slayers must be of lawful alignment.

Adjust ability scores: In step 3 of character creation, a holy slayer may not lower STR.


As per the assassin.

Divine Magic

Holy Symbol: A holy slayer must carry a holy symbol.

Deity disfavour: Holy slayers must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment and religion. Holy slayers who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties. 

Each time the holy slayer gains a level there is a 1-in-6 chance they will be called upon by their order to carry out an assassination with a 5-in-6 chance the individual is in a near by location. Failure to answer the call will result in the holy slayer being branded a renegade, cast out and hunted by their own order.

Spell Casting: From 9th level, a holy slayer may pray to receive spells. The power and number of spells gained by the holy slayer is the same as a paladin of equivalent level.


As per the assassin.

Holy Slayer Skills

As per the assassin skills.


As per the assassin.

After Reaching 9th Level

A holy slayer may found his own secret order or attempt to take over an existing guild of assassins or thieves, secretly using it to further his religion's goals.

Holy Slayer Level Progression

As per the assassin.

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