Saturday, November 11, 2023

Slayer (new class)

 Do you have a dwarf PC that has brought shame on themselves and their ancestors? Redeem them by seeking a worthy death after taking the slayer oath!


Requirements: Minimum CON 9

Prime requisite: STR

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 12

Armour: No armour or shields

Weapons: Any small or normal sized melee

Languages: Alignment, Common, Dwarvish, Gnomes, Goblin Kobold.

 Slayers are dwarves who have shamed themselves and taken the slayer oath in an attempt to regain their honour. Slayers seek death against a worthy foe in battle.

 Agile Fighting

 Due to fighting without armour, slayers gain +1 AC at 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th level.


 Slayers use no armour or shields. Like dwarves they can only use small or normal sized weapons. Slayers can not use ranged weapons or two handed-swords.

 Oath: In battle a slayer must seek out the most powerful foe possible.

Detect Construction Tricks

 As expert miners, dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of being able to detect new construction, sliding walls, or sloping passages when searching.

Detect Room Traps

 Due to their expertise with construction, dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of detecting non-magical room traps when searching.


Dwarves have infravision to 60’,

 Limited Possessions

 Slayers may only keep possessions which they can carry upon them and are limited to three magical items.

Listening at Doors

 Dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises.

 Slayer Oath

 All slayers take an oath to give up all other concerns and seek atonement by death in battle against a worthy opponent. Slayers who fail to live up to their oath are cursed by their ancestors.

 Leveling Up: A slayer with enough experience points to level up must slay a monster of hit dice equivalent to their current level to reach the next level.

 Title: A slayer is known by the creature they last slayed to advance, thus a slayer who leveled up by killing a Troll has the title Trollslayer.

 After Reaching 9th Level

 A slayer may only acquire a stronghold by freeing a fallen dwarf hold. Other dwarves will be drawn to the cause of reclaiming a lost hold and dwarf settlers will make their home the reclaimed hold.

 Slayer Level Progression

 Slayers use the same level progression table as regular dwarves.

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