Monday, October 31, 2022

When is Cake?


By Karis & Nathan Jones

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: Everyone is a guest at a wedding with their own agenda.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us 6 different types of roles for players.


 This is a systemless mini game which you would play as a one off. The main draw here is you can probably run this with a large amount of players although the chaos will increase exponentially if you do!

 If you can get past this not being a one page dungeon or adventure you can probably have some fun with this, especially with your non-rpg playing friends. Just expect that you are going to have to make up a lot of stuff yourself and there are no rules for resolving anything, this is very much a free form effort.

 The player prompts come with a decent amount of info on them, enough to get people started without over loading them. GM/Wedding planner facing content is pretty lacking though.


 I think you'd have a real issue with jamming this in an existing campaign, you could possibly use it as inspiration for a chaotic wedding but pretty much this has to be a one off.


 Not for me and not really sure it fits in here at all but I'm sure there is use for it out there somewhere.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Vacant Snow Castle


By Peter Fornes

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: A cyclopean castle built of snow. A thousand feet wide and spires a thousand feet tall.

A giant gate of solid ice. There's a gap to crawl through underneath.

No signs of life inside. Is no one home?

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us 12 keyed locations to explore.


 I really like that this adventure opens with four different hooks. Too many long form adventures skimp on this so if a one page can give good variety of reasons to runs this adventure then others have no excuse.

 About the only thing missing from this adventure is some explicit form of faction play. There is a good area you can explore any way you choose, some interesting magic items to be found, stuff to poke and monster stats included (as much as they can be in a systemless adventure anyway).

 There is not a lot of text but just enough to point you in the right direction for improvising descriptions of the various rooms. The writer gives some good tips on how to create a sense of wonder that this adventure should have.

 I really like this one and am impressed how much is on the page with so few words.

 You might want to tweak the number of snow giants and how they react based on the number of characters you have and their level. Also be prepared to come up with a reason why this snow castle appeared as none is given.


  You will need a snowy type set up and to be a bit rural to run this one however as long as you have that it is an easy drop in.


 Solid recommend on this one. You can run as is or easily expand it out. I am definitely considering where I could put this in a hex crawl.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Shadow elves (new class)

 Rarely seen on the mundane plane we have the shadow elves, also known as grey elves, gloomstakers or mist walkers. While it is unclear how they took up residence there it is know that the shadow elves make their home in what is called the shadow plane, the former home of the elven gods.

 “I walk the mists,

 I contain the monsters,

 I serve the dead mother.”

 - Shadow elf prayer

 Shadow elves spend their lives fighting undead in service to the dead goddess Cyoeraeth.

Shadow Elf

Requirements: Minimum INT 9
Prime requisite: STR and WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum level: 10
Armour: Leather, chainmail, including shields
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common, Elvish

Prime requisites: A shadow elf with at least 13 STR and WIS gains a 5% bonus to experience. A shadow with at least 13 STR and at least 16 WIS gains a 10% bonus.
Alignment: A shadow elf must have the neutral alignment.

Detect Secret Doors
Shadow elves have keen eyes that allow them, when actively searching, to detect hidden and secret doors with a 2-in-6 chance

Divine Magic
Holy symbol: A shadow elf must carry a holy symbol.
Deity disfavour: shadow elf must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy,
and religion. Shadow elves who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.
Magical research: A shadow elf of any level may spend time and money on magical
research. This allows them to create new spells or other magical effects associated
with their deity. On reaching 9th level, shadow elf are also able to create magic items.
Spell casting: A shadow elf may pray to receive spells from their deity. The power and number of spells available to a shadow elf are determined by the character’s experience level. Shadow elf cast spells from cleric spell list. At 1st level, a shadow elf may only pray for the detect evil spell, but from 2nd level, the character may pray for any spell on the spell list.
Using magic items: As spell casters, shadow elf can use magic scrolls of spells on their
spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by divine spell casters (e.g. some staves).

Immunity to Ghoul and Undead Paralysis
Shadow elves are completely unaffected by the paralysis ghouls and other undead can inflict.

Shadow elves have infravision to 90’.

Thieving Skills
Shadow elves can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown below:
▶ Hide in shadows (HS): Requires the shadow elf to be motionless—attacking or
moving while hiding is not possible.
▶ Move silently (MS): A shadow elf may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.

Turning the Undead
Shadow elves can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered as would a cleric of the same level. See the cleric rules for further details.

After Reaching 9th Level
A shadow elf may establish a stronghold or temple. If the shadow elf is in favour with their deity, the complex may be
bought or built at half the normal price due to the direct intervention of the deity.
Once a stronghold or temple is established, the shadow elf will attract followers (5d6 × 10 non-spell casting shadow elf of 1st or 2nd level). These troops are completely devoted to the shadow elf (never checking morale). The referee decides how many of the followers are 1st and 2nd level, and which are archers, infantry, etc.

Drow Level Progression
                                                                Saving Throws     Spells
Level XP           HD         THAC0            D   W  P   B   S 1   2 3 4 5
1 0         1d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 1† – – – –
2 2,000 2d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 2   – – – –
3 4,000 3d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 2   1 – – –
4 8,000 4d6 17 [+2]         10 11 11 13 10 2   2 – – –
5 16,000 5d6 17 [+2]         10 11 11 13 10 2   2 1 – –
6 32,000 6d6 17 [+2]         10 11 11 13 10 2   2 2 1 –
7 64,000      7d6 14 [+5]           8   9  9 10   8 3   3 2 2 1
8 128,000     8d6 14 [+5]           8   9  9 10   8 3   3 3 2 2
9 250,000     9d6 14 [+5]           8   9  9 10   8 4   4 3 3 2
10 400,000     9d6+2*   12 [+7]   6   7  8   8   6 4   4 4 3 3
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
† At 1st level, a drow may only pray for P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
the detect evil spell .                         S: Spells / rods / staves.

Thief Skills Chance of Success
Level HS MS 
1         10 20 
2         15 25 
3         20 30 
4         25 35 
5         30 40 
6         36 45 
7         45 55 
8         55 65 
9         65 75 
10         75 85 

Friday, October 28, 2022

A Promise Made


By Ron Parker

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: Your buddy got himself in debt to the boatman on the river Styx and needs you to go settle up for him.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us 6 keyed locations to explore.


 A journey to meet the boatman on the river Styx is a great set up for an adventure however this is not a great adventure. What this whole things boils down to is a massive stair case the characters have to go down and you roll for random encounters every hour. I like the concept it is just the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

 I'm sure you could probably spice this one up but it will require some work on the DMs part.

 There is also a hint of a railroad here with the way all alternate means of travelling down the shaft are magically cut off. Not great adventure design.


  You need the river Styx and a boatman or an analogue for this to work in your setting.


  I'd probably just take the core concept of this one and start over.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Magobia's Midnight Ingredients run


By Nikolaj Bourguigon aka The Bearded Belgian

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: You are goblins working for a witch, go get the ingredients she needs.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us 13ish points of interest to explore.


 This is a pretty bare bones effort, there is little in the way of descriptions for locations or details on the challengers players might encounter there. You are supposed to make up a lot of this by expanding on the meagre information given. 

 I could see this being a fun little one shot however you need to do a lot of fleshing out here. Even the witch who sends you out on this adventure does not have anything in the way of personality indicated. I get this is a short form of adventure writing however you can do a lot with a couple of key words as Joseph R. Lewis does in his adventures.

 What information we are given might at least allow you to tease out some faction play which is something.

 Missing entirely is any treasure or rewards, I suppose as lowly goblins the reward is not getting punished for failure.


  Unless you are running a goblin based campaign I think you would have to run this as a one shot which limits the portability or usefulness of this adventure.


  Could this be fun? I think so. Can you run it out of the box? No. This is a starting point at best.

 If you can improvise well on the spot or want to put in some work to flesh things out this could be a fun one shot or short campaign.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Lennox Family Amazing Circus


By Michael Solander

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: The circus is in town and locals have started to go missing.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us seven locations to explore at the circus.


 It is fairly easy to follow the writing of this adventure and it is fairly atmospheric. I do like the set up even if it is a little cliche. While this is supposed to be system neutral it does come across as a very 5E type adventure. 

 With some embellishing this could be a fun little sandbox to explore. There are a few ways to solve the problem which is nice. I'm not sure about letting the antagonist go once the devil at the end is defeated, she seems to get off a bit lightly given her crimes.

 What is missing really is some unique treasure for the players. We get a few decent bits of interaction, the mirrors in the fortune teller's tent in particular there.


  It should be fairly easy to have this circus rock up anywhere in your setting. 


  You might want to add in a bit more flavour and flesh things out a little more however this is a perfectly good foundation to build from. You can run as is at a push. Very solid genre stuff.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Stoneseeker Crypt


By Thomas Grunberg

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: A plague is ravaging the city and some of the corpses are going missing.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a five room dungeon.


 I can see this being a very frustrating dungeon for players are there are secret doors everywhere which you might not find with bad rolls and riddles you have to figure out or your passage is blocked. This is compounded by the problem of no alternative routes. It would be very easy to just get stuck with this one. Too many of the rooms are basically empty or the items in them empty so there is nothing to interact with.

 The treasure on offer is nothing special and there is not too much in the way of a decent plot either. A necromancer is raising zombies, we have no idea why and the plague that sets up the whole thing is left unconnected to what is actually happening.

 There are some really good blog posts out there on how to do a five room dungeon, this one does not seem to have followed them.


 As long as you have a city that could suffer a plague you can drop this down and run it.


  You could knock up something better than this in 15 minutes I think. Not worth the effort really and comes with too many points where the adventure might just grind to a halt.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Wedding of the Fairy Princess


By Eshan Mitra

One page dungeon contest 2022

GM-less storytelling game.

Premise: Your friend the fairy princess is getting married and you get to help her plan her special day.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us three random tables to inspire the story.


 I'm not one for free form storytelling games, that being said I found some of the prompts to be a bit lacking in specifics. For example we aren't given problems to roleplay solutions to, you are expected to define the problem and the solution which seems problematic to me in a game without a GM.

 I could see a fairy wedding being a fun diversion in an on going campaign however I need more nuts and bolts than there are here. You could use the tables as inspiration for running a fairy wedding as a GM I just don't think I'd want to drop this on some friends as is.

 We don't even get clear scenes here, just what might be scenes if you want.


  I mean there is nothing to it so as long as you have fairies I suppose?


  Not for me. Possibly useful for inspiration, I don't think you'd use it otherwise.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Squirming Fragment of a Dead God


By Harry Menear

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: Something green and destructive fell from the sky, go get it for a wizard.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a dungeon with 6 keyed rooms.


 Some decently evocative writing is fairly well ordered to paint a nice mental picture of this dungeon. The writing gets to all your scenes to really put you in the location. Initially it looks like there might be a bit much text however after reading through it it appears to be about the right amount for the adventure.

 I like the location and mcguffin here even if the initial hook is pretty weak sauce, you can probably scratch up something better yourself.

 My other complaint is that there is only one monster, the troll. Given all the carrion lying round you can fit in one or two encounters with wild scavengers to flesh things out a bit and possibly open up a bit of faction play if you can turn the wild animals against the troll.

 Other than the mcguffin itself the treasure is nothing to write home about, the big boy does make up for that at least.

 All in all this is a nicely flavourful effort and it is easy to understand thanks to one of the free Dyson logos maps on which it is based.


  As long as you have some wilderness near by you can drop this adventure into any fantasy type setting easily. Would fit well if you need something to help populate a hex crawl.


  Definitely actionable content you can drop and run. I would want to tweak it a little but you are basically good to go. Would recommend.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Duelist (new class)

This is my first take on the duelist class for OSE or any similar B/X system.


Requirements: None

Prime requisite: Dex

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather, no shields

Weapons: Daggers and one handed swords

Languages: Alignment, Common

Agile Fighting

Upon reaching 4th level, a duelist gains a +1 AC bonus. This increases to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 8th level, and +4 at 10th level.


Duelists are only surprised on a roll of 1. This may mean that a duelist is able to act in the surprise round while their companions are surprised.

Dual Wielding

 Skilled in the art of the blade a duelist may carry a second bladed weapon in their off hand which they can choose to give either a +1 AC bonus or a +1 to hit bonus when attacking with their main weapon.

Duelists Code

Duelists are bound by a stringent code of honour, which they strive to uphold in all their deeds. A duelist does not earn any experience points for deeds performed at odds with this code. The fundamentals of this code are: preference of death over cowardice; let no insult go unanswered; glory in single combat; reject no challenge; not exploiting unfair advantages of circumstance; respect of  equals; seeking out rivals; scorning cowardice.

Dishonour: A duelist who brings dishonour upon themselves loses their reputation. In this case, the character becomes a fighter of equivalent level and suffers the loss of any retainers or students they may have. It may be possible to regain the status of duelist by defeating a worthy opponent in single combat in the sight of others.


From 2nd level, a duelist has a 2-in-6 chance of knowing lore pertaining to famous or legendary swords. This ability may be used to identify the nature and powers of magic weapons usable by their class.

After Reaching 9th Level

A duelist can establish a fencing school. 2d6 student fighters of 1st level will come to study under the character, students have a 1 in 6 chance of becoming duelists if they progress to second level.

Duelist Level Progression

                                                                        Saving Throws

Level XP HD     THAC0         D   W  P   B  S

1         0 1d8        19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

2         2,250 2d8        19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

3         4,500 3d8        19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

4         9,000 4d8        17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

5         18,000 5d8        17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

6         36,000 6d8        17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

7         72,000 7d8        14 [+5]           8   9 10 10 12

8         144,000 8d8        14 [+5]           8   9 10 10 12

9         264,000 9d8        14 [+5]           8   9 10 10 12

10         384,000 9d8+2*   12 [+7]           6   7   8   8 10

11         504,000 9d8+4*   12 [+7]           6   7   8   8 10

12         624,000 9d8+6*   12 [+7]           6   7   8   8 10

13         744,000 9d8+8*   10 [+9]           4   5   6   5   8

14         864,000 9d8+10* 10 [+9]           4   5   6   5   8

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.     D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                            P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                            S: Spells / rods / staves.

Friday, October 21, 2022

A Plush Escape


By Jan Bundesmann

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: Humanity has left the world, now there is only awakened plushies.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a dungeon with 7 keyed rooms.


 A simple sketch map is fairly easy to follow in terms of working out the lay out of this place and the writing is pretty clear on explaining the rooms.

To be honest this is not really an adventure, there is no inciting incident or clear goal here more of a sandbox location to explore. There are a few factions set up which you could pit against each other but that will require some work on your part. I do like the flavour of the factions, there is a fun little world created here.

You are going to have to do a decent amount of work yourself to get this to the table.



  Obviously the set up is pretty cutesy and so not for everyone. I suspect this is something you would run as a one shot although I suppose you could use it to kick off a larger toy world game once the characters get out of the store they start in.


  As a piece of inspiration to get you started I think this is great. To actually use at the table it will require some fleshing out. Nice to see something different to the usual fantasy dungeon slog.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Temple of Fastening


By Sanni Ovaska

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: An Abbess asks the characters to retrieve something from an abandoned temple.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a dungeon with 9 keyed rooms.


 The hook for this adventure is not the strongest, a simple go fetch quest, I suppose you can mix it up with the other information provided though. There is not much in the way of evocative writing or monster stats however everything else you need to run this adventure is here.

 I would say this is one of the most complete adventures in the 2022 one page contest. There are loops, potential factions, stuff to interact with and even unique treasures! Pretty every element of a decent adventure is included here.

 There is also some attempt to make the adventure reusable by providing tables for alternate boss/minion options and also a table for rival adventurers you might encounter!

 A bit more flavour or detail would not go amiss however this is perfectly actionable content you can slap down on the table as is.


  You might want to do some slight reskinning but this should be an easy adventure to drop down in any game world.


  Easy to use and with plenty of alternate options this is a really good effort. I would say this is exactly the short of level you should aim for in a one pager. Yes there could be more detail/lore but you can't have everything in one page. If every adventure in the book was at this level you would have years worth of content you could use even if some of it required a little tweaking.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Do Goblins Actually Force-Feed Giants In Caves?


By Kyle Adam Wright

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: Goblins and hobgoblins keep a pet giant they feed.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a dungeon split over 3 levels with 11 keyed rooms.


 The map with this adventure is pretty clear and easy to understand, showing how the different levels interact with each other well. For the small number of rooms there are a decent amount of different ways to work your way through the dungeon.

 In general the writing is pretty sparse, you'll have to flesh out the rooms yourself. Implied with in the bare bones writing is some personality to the monsters found in the dungeon which is nice, you will have to tease out the faction play yourself though. Also in needing of fleshing out is the treasure which is just jewels, no magic items at all.

 Yet another thing you'll have to do is come up with a hook yourself as there is nothing on why you'd want to go raid this dungeon other than it exists. You would probably be best served slotting this in as a dungeon of underlings to whoever your big bad is and using the letter in room 11 as a clue for the next leg of the adventure/campaign.


 Yes you can drop this adventure into an existing world or campaign fairly easily provided you are willing to do the detail work yourself.


  Perfectly serviceable as the basis for something you can drop into a campaign or world you are planning to run. You could not run this straight out the box or use it for a one shot in my opinion. Needs a bit more work to brush it up to table ready. The crazy giant being fed by goblins is a nice base to start from at least.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Fantastical Folding Fortress of Jaffe the Mad!


By Clint Hocking

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, mid to high level.

Premise: A mage attempted to trap the infernal prince of madness and fell short.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a dungeon that shifts based on how you fold the page. Prepare to be confused.


 I really like what this dungeon is trying to do, I am not sure I understand it but I like it. You probably have to print out a couple of copies of this one and play with folding them up to figure it out, at least my brain can't fully grok it without getting hands on with a physical copy. 

 Assuming it works the shifting nature of this dungeon is actually genius and likely to bamboozle your players till they get the hang of things. Given how things move around there are plenty of loops and alternate paths to explore.

 The art and graphic design of the map is very simple, black and white that is easy to follow. There is a lot of information on the page so you do have to zoom in a bit however it is never crowded or hard to read.

 Through out the whole thing is pretty thematic. There is a slight lack of traps, otherwise it is hard to fault this one. Even the treasure is pretty unique, possibly they could have been themed a bit more however they are perfectly decent.

 The base hook for the adventure is a bit bland, you should be able to spice that up yourself or seed rumours in your campaign ahead of time if you plan to run this one.


 All you need in your world is some suitably evil madness creating entity, be it a god or fiend, and you can drop this easily in.


  You definitely need to print this one out to run it and you do need to spend some time getting familiar with it for things to run smoothly at the table. This is one of the best efforts I have seen so far in the contest, top tier and one that definitely deserved a place in the winner's circle. I'll be looking out to see what else Clint Hocking has out there.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Devils and their Lies


By Simon Carryer

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: Dungeons beneath a ruined castle may contain missing gold and a portal that an evil noble escaped through.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us six rooms to explore.


 I am not sure about the instant death ending to this adventure, otherwise it is a perfectly usable little dungeon for players to explore. Despite only being 6 rooms they are nicely laid out to give different options for explorations and alternate pathways.

 It seems like this adventure will work with your favourite OSR game pretty easily. There is not much on the way of traps, the monsters are decent and there is a little bit of interaction to be had both with creatures discovered as well as stuff to poke and prod.

 You do not get much in the way of treasure however the random contract with a minor devil left lying around is more than enough to make the whole thing worth while.

 The writing is clear and simple, nothing evocative just get you by text that you can riff on. I also really like the art which is again simple but retains some charm to it.


 It should be fairly easy to plop this under any ruined castle although you will have to provide your own castle. As long as your setting as devils or something that can stand in for them you are good to go with this one.


 Definitely content you can run. A solid effort you can easily seed a rumour for then pull out as required.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Clarke's Third Law


By Peter Willington

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: The PCs are unknowingly test subjects in a simulation of a fantasy world that is actually in an abandoned science lab on an ice planet.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us three rooms.


 Essentially this is the old Metamorphosis Alpha bait and switch. What you get here is something you are supposed to layer on top of an existing fantasy adventure that the sim is running but glitching out on.

 It is easy enough to read through the text here and it is presented in a suitably sci-fi look. The problem is how much work you are going to have to do to get this one up and running, should you ever wish to. There is no adventure, map, factions, enemies or magic items for the base sim adventure, or any suggestion how often you should drop in the sci-fi rooms that are provided.

 I also think the "get into an escape pod" ending is a lot less interesting than using this set up to run a survival game on an ice planet once the characters get out of the sim.

 Really this is the premise of a one shot or campaign starter rather than an adventure itself.


 You need a specific one shot or campaign in mind to run this one, you can not just plonk it down anywhere.


 I like the potential here but I think it needs to be expanded on a bit in a longer format to actually be useful. You also have to be really careful dropping a bait and switch like this on your players for anything more than a one shot.

A maybe on this one with a lot more work and some big caveats.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Air elemental-kin, new class

  Elemental-kin were created by the djinn to be their slaves by binding the shard of an elemental to the soul of a mortal. Modern elemental-kin are the descendants of those slaves who were traded with the elves of the summer court and brought into the mundane world. Of the four types of elemental-kin the water elemental-kin are considered the rarest elemental-kin and viewed as temperamental outsiders.

Air elemental-kin

Requirements: None

Prime requisite: DEX, CON

Hit Dice: 1d6

Maximum level: 10

Armour: Leather, including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common, Primordial

Prime requisites: An air elemental-kin with at least 13 DEX and CON gains a 5% bonus to experience. A air elemental-kin with a score of 16 or higher in one prime requisite, and a 13 or higher in the other gains a 10% bonus.

Air elemental-kin Skills

Air elemental-kin can use the following skills with the chance of success shown below.

Climb sheer surfaces (CS): A roll is required for each 100’ to be climbed. If the roll fails, the air elemental-kin falls at the halfway point, suffering falling damage.

Falling (FA): Due to their nimble nature, air elemental-kin suffer no damage from the first 10’ of any fall. Damage due to falling from a greater height is reduced by the listed percentage (rounding fractions down).

Hide in shadows (HS): The air elemental-kin must be motionless—attacking or moving while hiding is not possible.

Move silently (MS): An air elemental-kin may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.

Tightrope walking (TW): Air elemental-kin can walk along tightropes, narrow beams, and ledges at up to half their normal movement rate. A roll is required every 60’. Failure indicates that the air elemental-kin falls and suffers falling damage. Windy conditions may reduce the chance of success by up to 20%.


Air elemental-kin cannot wear armour bulkier than leather and can use shields They can use all types of weapons.

Hold Breath

 Air elemental-kin are able to hold their breath indefinitely while not incapacitated.


 Once per day air elemental-kin may cast the levitate spell from the magic-user spell list.

After Reaching 9th Level

An air elemental-kin may build a stronghold. 2d12 beings will join the air elemental-kin as followers.

Air elemental-kin Level Progression

Saving Throws

Level XP HD     THAC0 D   W  P  B   S

1 0         1d6      19 [0]                  10 11 12 13 14

2 1,750 2d6      19 [0]                  10 11 12 13 14

3 3,500 3d6      19 [0]                  10 11 12 13 14

4 7,000 4d6      17 [+2]   8   9 10 10 12

5 14,000 5d6      17 [+2]   8   9 10 10 12

6 28,000 6d6      17 [+2]   8   9 10 10 12

7 56,000 7d6      14 [+5]   6   7   8   8 10

8 112,000         8d6      14 [+5]   6   7   8   8 10

9 225,000         9d6      14 [+5]   6   7   8   8 10

10 350,000        9d6+2* 12 [+7]   4   5   6   5   8

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                                 P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                                 S: Spells / rods / staves.

Air elemental-kin Skills Chance of Success


1         87  25 10  20   60

2         88  25 15  25   65

3         89  25 20  30   70

4         90  33 25  35   75

5         91  33 30  40   80

6         92  33 33  43   85

7         93  33 36  46   90

8         94  50 40  50   95

9         95  50 43  53   99

10         96  50 46  56   99

Friday, October 14, 2022

The Noisy Barn


By SDGibson

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: The local guard want you to check on a barn that has strange noises coming from it.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of a barn with 5 keyed rooms.


 There is really not much to this one, not even much of a hook. This is barely more than an encounter, not really an adventure.

What I do like here is the attempt to randomise things although I am not sure how useful it is. Beyond that there are no real loops, faction play or magic items worth getting. 

 While there is no system stated for the adventure the skill checks indicate this is a 5E adventure.


 I suppose if you have a town and a setting with wyrmlings you can run this adventure.


 Just skip this one, there is nothing to it really.

 PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Alicarnassus' Mausoleum


By Barakiel the archangel

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: None of the previous attempts at robbing this tomb have had any success, might as well have a punt?

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of a dungeon with 8 keyed rooms.


  I suppose this just about functions as a dungeon, some things are weirdly placed and I'm not a fan of having random tables for treasures. Even the random table of encounters seems a little out of place in such a short dungeon.

 There is nothing evocative about this presumably ancient Greece themed adventure, it really lacks in the flavour department. The dungeon is not completely linear so it has that going for it I suppose even if there is not much in the way of loops or factions play.

 The art is fine in a get you buy kind of way, I can easily make sense of the map.


 As with many of the other dungeons in the compilation there is not much to hang your hat on here so you can plop this adventure down with ease should you want to.


 You could probably come up with something similar to this yourself in about 20 minutes so I am not really seeing any draw to run this one.

 PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Vault of the Forgotten King


By John Nash

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: The tomb of a forgotten king awaits exploration.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of a dungeon with 16 keyed rooms.


 As a dungeon to hack through this is a perfectly serviceable effort. Both the map and room keys are mostly easy to understand. I would say the the actual design of the dungeon is probably the best part here, plenty of loops and secret or obscured doors. A good example of how to give yourself a solid foundation to build from.

 There is a good smattering of stuff to interact with and a decent wandering monsters table even if the rooms themselves are a little short on monsters in my opinion. Unfortunately the monsters are a mix of beasts and undead with little chance of faction play. 

The issue here is that despite there being mention of murals on a number the rooms they do not come together to tell a story or add much flavour to the dungeon. 


 Without any real lore or details attached to this adventure you can drop it in anywhere.


 I would say this is a fine dungeon to build your own adventure on top of rather than an adventure ready to go. If you spend the time to polish this one up a bit, flavouring it to your own setting it is well worth running. A decent start even if you would not run it straight out of the box.

 PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Mad Abbot's Lair


By Mark Murphy

One page dungeon contest 2022

5E (or similar?), no level given.

Premise: The local messed with powers he did not understand brought ruination upon his abbey.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of a dungeon with 8 keyed rooms.


 If you ever want to know how much information you can reasonably get on a one page dungeon I would say this effort hits about the right mark. Nothing is cluttered or too small and there is more than enough to run this adventure off. The art style is simple black and white, nothing fancy but very clear.

 Using a system of random magic portals the author manages to fit in loops to an otherwise simple map making it more interesting or at least chaotic to explore despite the small size. Evocative room descriptions are not really present however you should be able to improvise that on the fly from what information there is about the rooms and how they look on the map, this is one of the sacrifices you have to make for the one page format.

 Treasure is present if not remarkable. I think one key magic item, related to the abbot's dark experiments could really kick things up a notch and provide a bit more of a book here. In general I would say the adventure is lacking a bit of lore or texture to really nail things, this is something you can add on to fit your own world though.


 There is nothing really here in the way of details or anything really out there so you can slot this into any campaign world with easy.


 I would have no problems picking up this adventure and running it. Yes the adventure does lack a little in flavour but this is something you can easily add in yourself. This is something you can build off and I would like to see what else this author has out there. I am actually surprised this one did not pick up even an honorable mention from the judges.

 Definitely a passing grade for this one. A two or three page version would really knock things out of the park.

 PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Wonder Heist


By Carles Hernandez-Ferrer

One page dungeon contest 2022

No game or level

Premise: A museum is holding a special exhibit to celebrate an anniversary and thieves are looking to steal the wonders on show!

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of the museum with seven wonders spread over six floors, most of which have two or three rooms.


 To get the positives out of the way the seven items available to be stolen are at least interesting on some level an I do appreciate that the writer is trying to do something different here by creating an adventure that can be run in two ways, either with the players as thieves or security.

 That being said I do not think you could run this as is. The text needs another editing pass, there are a number of mistakes in there, some of them silly. You better have your zoom function ready because to get everything on the page the room and item descriptions are pretty tiny.

 The dungeon itself is laid out in a branching fashion rather than one with loops. With what is presented you will have to do a lot of the work yourself to flesh out the actual encounters and you will probably have to do it on the fly.


  Heist adventures are notoriously difficult to pull off in a lot of systems so you will be restricted to something like Blades in the Dark if you really want to run this adventure. The setting implies a fairly modern or futuristic type world for the adventure so you could not really run it in fantasy land.


 It is nice to see something a bit different even if it does not work, I would not run this even if I do appreciate the attempt. PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Cardinal's Guardsmen


By John W. Vogel Jr.

One page dungeon contest 2022

No game or level

Premise: It is the time of Cardinal Richelieu and the King's Musketeers.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a hex map of France which might be a campaign back drop or a war game? It isn't entirely clear.


 I'll be honest I am not sure what to make of this entry in the 2022 one page dungeon competition. For a start we are sans dungeon here.

 There is a bunch of random stuff you can roll on but it is never clear if you are supposed to be playing a war game, how the war game affects an on going RPG campaign or what is going on. Mostly I think you are just supposed to DIY it.

 The writing is small in some places making it hard to read which does not help with figuring things out.

 It is nice to see something different however this is not really workable content.


  Set in historical France you are kind of missing the point if you change this to another setting.


 This is going to be a no from me in the current state however I would like to see this expanded, it would work pretty well as a larger product. PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Water elemental-kin (new class)

  Elemental-kin were created by the djinn to be their slaves by binding the shard of an elemental to the soul of a mortal. Modern elemental-kin are the descendants of those slaves who were traded with the elves of the summer court and brought into the mundane world. Of the four types of elemental-kin the water elemental-kin are considered the spiritual leaders of their people and the most likely to believe that a way can be found to return elemental-kin to their home plane.

Water Elemental-kin

Requirements: None

Prime requisite: WIS, CON

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 10

Armour: Any, including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common, Primordial

Prime requisites: An water elemental-kin with at least 13 WIS and CON gains a 5% bonus to experience. A water elemental-kin with a score of 16 or higher in one prime requisite, and a 13 or higher in the other gains a 10% bonus.


Water elemental-kin can use all types of weapons and armour.

Create Water

From third level once per day a water elemental-kin may cast the create water spell.

Divine Magic

Holy symbol: A Water elemental-kin must carry a holy symbol.

Deity disfavour: Water elemental-kin must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion. Water elemental-kin who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.

Magical research: A water elemental-kin of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to create new spells or other magical effects associated with their deity. On reaching 9th level, water elemental-kin are also able to create magic items.

Spell casting: A water elemental-kin may pray to receive spells from their deity. The power and number of spells available to a water elemental-kin are determined by the character’s experience level. Water elemental-kin cast spells from cleric spell list . At 1st level, a water elemental-kin may only pray for the purify food and water spell, but from 2nd level, the character may pray for any spell on the spell list. 

Using magic items: As spell casters, Water elemental-kin can use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by divine spell casters (e.g. some staves).

Energy Resistance

Water elemental-kin gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against acid and are unharmed by non magical acid effects.

Swim Speed

Water elemental-kin move at their normal movement rate when swimming.

After Reaching 9th Level

A water elemental-kin may establish or build a stronghold. So long as the water elemental-kin is currently in favour with their god, a stronghold may be bought or built at half the normal price, due to divine intervention.

Once a stronghold is established, the Water elemental-kin will attract followers (5d6 × 10 elemental-kin

of level 1–2). These troops are completely devoted to the water elemental-kin, never checking

morale. The referee decides which proportions of followers are 1st and 2nd level and which are air, earth, fire or water elemental-kin.

Water-elemental Level Progression
                                                                        Saving Throws        Spells
Level XP         HD THAC0 D  W  P   B  S 1    2   3   4   5
1         0         1d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 1†  –   –   –   –
2         1,600 2d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 2    –   –   –   –
3         3,200 3d6 19 [0] 12 13 13 15 12 2    1   –   –   –
4         6,400 4d6 19 [0] 10 11 11  13 10 2    2   –   –   –
5         12,800 5d6 17 [+2] 10 11 11  13 10 2    2   1   –   –
6         26,000 6d6 17 [+2] 10 11 11  13 10 2    2   2   1   –
7         55,000      7d6 17 [+2]   8  9   9   10   8          3    3   2   2   1
8         125,000    8d6 17 [+2]   8  9   9   10   8 3    3   3   2   2
9         225,000    9d6 14 [+5]             8  9   9   10   8 4    4   3   3   2
10         325,000    9d6+2*   14 [+5]            6  7   8     8   6 4    4   4   3   3
* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
† At 1st level, a water elemental-kin         P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
may only pray for the purify      S: Spells / rods / staves.
food & water spell.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Lost Temple of the Mad Apsara


By John Jordan

One page dungeon contest 2022

No game or level

Premise: A ruined temple is ripe for exploration.

What do we get here?

 A single page dungeon gives us 7ish keyed locations.


 It took me a while to grok what was actually going on with the map here and once I did it turns out this thing is pretty linear. There is not much going on here at all really, very little to interact with nothing in the way of faction play and no treasure. 

 We lack a hook for this adventure and like the many level/system-less adventures you have to do work to bring it to the table.

 There is little to inspire you in the writing, it is very functional lacking in anything that brings atmosphere. It also does not help having public domain art behind some of the text making it harder to read in one portion.


  It would not be hard to put this adventure in any setting, mainly because you are having to do a lot of the work yourself.


 In the end there is little to recommend here, I do not think there are parts I would even be particularly interested in stealing from it. PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tunnels of the Terran Titan


By Matt Latura

One page dungeon contest 2022

No game or level

Premise: Go explore some underground tunnels in a swampy area.

What do we get here?

 A single page dungeon gives us 11 keyed locations.


 Presented with simple, clear art this is a fun little adventure. The map comes with some nice loops and is not at all linear like some one page efforts end up being.

 We do not get anything in the way of hooks or magic items here and there is not much in the way of faction play. That being said you can have a lot of fun with this bizarre colony as there is plenty for your players to poke and prod.

 I like they natural set up of this adventure, you can really see it as a living, breathing ecology. 

 Obviously you'll have to do a little work yourself to get this one up and going with monster stats, otherwise ready to go as is.


 You can easily drop this adventure in any suitable nature type region, it is written as a swamp but I'm sure it would fit other biomes too.


 Definitely a good little adventure, if you are looking for something to fill out a hex map this should be perfect for you. PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tomb of Gilgamesh

 By Eduardo Leo and Theo Prevost

One page dungeon contest 2022

No game or level

Premise:  Go wake the sleeping king in his tomb to save the world.

What do we get here?

This single page adventure has 10 keyed rooms.


 As a runner up in the contest this adventure is another one with fantastic art. There is a nice cartoonish style which is easy to follow and pretty clear.

 I found the actual text to be a bit small and slightly over written. Even in 200% zoom it was a bit small to read. There are also a couple of points I was unclear on, like how anyone would end up in the basement.

 The dungeon itself is non linear and has some funky stuff going on with it. There is not a lot in the way of faction play or interesting magic items and because this is a system less adventure you will have to do the heavily lifting yourself when it comes to monster stats.

 I found the hook to be a bit uninspiring, go get someone else to save the world. In fantasy games can't we be the ones to save the world? There is some slight mitigation in the conclusion to the adventure although if the characters are strong enough to defeat the only person that could save the world why couldn't they save it themselves?


The adventure is themed around Gilgamesh and Sumeria, you can easily file the names off and place this adventure elsewhere with other NPCs.


 Of the three entrants in the contest from this year that I have reviewed so far the only one I would run as is still Gus L's entry. There is totally enough here for you to reskin the tower for your own adventure, I just would not advise running it with this plot. PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...