Friday, March 31, 2023

Saint Konrad of the Wald

  Popular wherever trees grow thickly. Konrad is master of both the good and ill that comes from the deep forests. Konrad was known as a protector of animals of the wild, was killed protecting a stag from a noble hunting for sport. Very much seen as a saint of the people rather than the nobility. Has woodland shrines on the outskirts of villages rather than great religious buildings of stone.

 The Seal of the Wald are an order of knights seen throughout the empire, they walk the fine line between protecting the people from the forest and vice versa. Peasant knights, one of the few orders that allow commoners to join.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Alternate turning

 What might different types of clerics turn if not undead?

I could see evil clerics that turn celestials and specialist clerics that turn fiends. 

Clerics of the god/goddess of festivals obviously turn tables.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Does it dungeon? Wookey Hole


Previously I've looked at man made structures but natural cave systems provide excellent options for dungeons too. The varying height levels and water levels make things very interesting as well as more complicated for your players to map! Definitely dungeons.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Does it dungeon? Mount Saint-Michel


Would be both a great place for a starting town or as a ruined/occupied town to fight your way through before descending into catacombs and caves below. Definitely dungeons in my opinion!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Shadowmancer (new class)

 Masters of darkness, shadowmancers take their power from the shadow realm, using the arcane arts to bend the power of night. Once home to the elven gods the shadow realm is now a tomb, haunted by death and shadows, a dark parallel of the mundane plane.

 Taking elements of the illusionist and small portions of the necromancer class the shadowmancer is a new arcane caster class offering a large number of unique spells. Many of the spells are drawn from various editions of d&d so balance may be a bit wonky, a smaller number of spells are completely new. 


Requirements: Minimum CON 9

Prime requisite: INT

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: None

Weapons: Dagger, staff (optional)

Languages: Alignment, Common

Arcane Magic

Magical research: A shadowmancer of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to add new spells to their spell book and to research other magical effects. When a shadowmancer reaches 9th level, they are also able to create magic items. Researched spells, effects, and magic items must be within the scope of the shadowmancer class, as judged by the referee.

Spell casting: Shadowmancers carry spell books containing the formulae for arcane spells. The level progression table (below) shows both the number of spells in the shadowmancer’s spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character’s experience level. Thus, a 1st level shadowmancer has one spell in their spell book, selected by the referee (who may allow the player to choose). The list of spells available to shadowmancers is found below.

Using magic items: As spell casters, shadowmancers are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands). They are, however, not able to use magic items with effects that create (e.g. a wand that shoots fireballs or uses the light spell).


Shadowmancers can only use daggers and are unable to use shields or wear any kind of armour. This makes them very vulnerable in combat.

Shadowmancers and Staves (Optional Rule)

Optionally, shadowmancers may be allowed to wield a staff in combat.

Light Sensitivity

When in bright light (daylight, continual light), shadowmancers suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and a –1 penalty to Armour Class.


Starting from 3rd level shadowmancers have 30’ of infravision increasing to 60’ at 8th level and 90’ at 12th level.

After Reaching 11th Level

A shadowmancer may build a stronghold, often a great tower. 1d6 apprentices of levels 1–3 will then arrive to study under the shadowmancer.

Shadowmancer Progression

Shadowmancers use the same progression table as the magic user.

Shadowmancer spell list

1st level spells

Chill Touch
Darkness (cannot be reversed)
Detect Shadows
Disrupt Undead
Net of Shadows
Read Magic
Touch of Fatigue
Whispering Shadows

Claws of Darkness
Dark Mirror
Dancing Shadows
Detect Magic
Power Word, Sleep
Shadow Burst
Shadow Mask
Shadow Spray
Spectral Hand
Spectral Wings
Spirit Armour

Continual Darkness (cannot be reversed)
Creeping Shadow
Control Darkness and Shadows
Dark Bridge
Phantom Steed
Shadow Blink
Shadow Cloak

Black Tentacles
Create Drakenbeast
Dispel Magic
Dimension Door
Dream of Truth
Minor Creation
Shadow Monsters
Shadow Well

Creeping Shadows
Demi-Shadow Monsters
Enveloping Darkness
Major Creation
Pass Wall
Phantom Blade
Shadow Door
Shadow Hand
Shadow Hound
Shadowy Transformation
Wall of Gloom

Energy Drain
Moon Pool
Project Shadow
Shadow Gauntlet
Shadow Walk
Spectral Steed
Symbol, Sleep
Wave of Fatigue

Friday, March 24, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Six Spells

1. Blackmantle

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range: 180'

 Creatures in a 15' radius must save vs spells or have shadow energy cling to their forms. The shadow energy stops all healing or regeneration for the duration of the spell.

2. Energy Drain

As per the necromancer with the exception that a person drained of all levels does not rise as a zombie under the control of the caster.

3. Moon Pool

Duration: 1 turn

Range: Special

 By viewing the reflection of the moon in a pool of liquid or a mirror the caster may scry on anything the moon's light falls upon.

4. Nightmare

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

 The recipient of the spell names an individual then falls asleep, filling the sleep of the target with horrid nightmares. Those that fail their save vs spells suffer 1d10 points of damage and do not regain any spells or hit points from their nights rest.

 The reverse of this spell is Dream. The recipient of the spell names an individual then falls asleep projecting themselves into the the dream of the target to deliver a message to the target. The communication is one and once the message is delivered the sender returns to their body.

5. Project Shadow

As per the magic user spell Project Image.

6. Shades

As per the illusionist spell.

7. Shadow Gauntlet

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range:  30 feet per level of the caster

As per the level 5 spell Shadow Hand with the addition of being able to interact with physical objects. The gauntlet can use weapons, take objects or protect the caster. 

* Attacking: The gauntlet uses the Shadowmancers THAC0.

*Taking objects:  A creature holding an object must save vs spell to stop the gauntlet snatching the item from them.

* Protecting: The gauntlet increases the AC of the individual protected to 4[15]

8. Shadow Walk

Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster

Range: Touch

 While standing in shadows the caster and any creatures touched by them travel to the border between the mundane world and the shadow realm. In this undefined space it is possible to travel 50 miles of distance in the real world per hour spent shadow walking. When the caster and their fellow travellers return to the mundane world they are 1d10x1000 feet away from where they expect to be in a random direction.

9. Spectral Steed

Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster

Range: 30' feet

 Pulled from the shadow plane a winged creature of darkness is summoned to serve the caster. The creature can carry the caster and one extra person per three levels of the caster.

The creature has AC 2 [17] and 10hp plus an additional 2 hp per level of the caster. The creature cannot attack and flies at a speed equal to a dragon.

10. Symbol Sleep

Duration: Special

Range: Special

 The Shadowmancer spends a turn placing an arcane ruin on upon a surface. When triggered all creatures of 6HD or less within 60 feet of the symbol fall into a catatonic sleep for 3d6 turns. Sleeping creatures can not be woken by non magical means.

11. Turnshadow

Duration: 1 round per level of the cater

Range: 180'

  The caster causes all creatures in a 40' square created by the shadow monsters, demi-shadow monsters or shade spells to flee in panic for the duration of the spell.

 The caster can also cast the spell targeting a specific shadow creature created by one of the aforementioned spells to take control of a creature summoned by another caster. Once the spell ends the creature returns to the shadow plane.

12. Wave of Fatigue

Duration: Instantaneous

Range: 30'

 All creatures in a 90' cone are fatigued, meaning they act last in combat and are unable to flee combat.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Five Spells

1. Creeping Shadows

Duration: 3 rounds per level of the caster

Range: 240'

 The spell creates a could of deepest black roughly the size of five cubic feet, while the caster maintains concentration they can move and shape the cloud as they wish. The cloud can be moved at a rate of 30' per round, can not be seen through and no sound will escape from inside it. Wind will make the cloud drift.

2. Demi-Shadow Monsters

As per the illusionist spell.

3. Enveloping Darkness

Duration:  1d4 rounds + 1 per level of the caster

Range: Self

 The caster creates a 20' radius zone of darkness around themselves. While the caster can see in and through the darkness as it were normal light no others can see through the darkness, even those with infravision.

4. Major Creation

As per the illusionist spell.

5. Pass Wall

Duration: 1 hour

Range: 90'

This spell allows the caster to create an open passage in any wooden, plaster or stone wall. The passage created is at most 5' wide, 8' tall and 10' deep.

6. Phantom Blade

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Self

Pulling wisps of shadows together the caster creates a blade of shadow energy. The blade has a +2 to hit and does 1d10 points of damage but cannot be used against objects. Against undead or beings from other planes the blade is a +4 to hit and does 4d4 points of damage. 


7. Shadowcast

As per the illusionist spell.

8. Shadow Door

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30'

Those watching believe they see the caster open a door and step into a 10'x10' room, closing the door behind themselves. In reality the caster is invisible and free to escape. 

9. Shadow Hand

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30' per level of the caster

 A smoky hand of shadows, shaped like a normal human hand, is called forth from the shadow plane to to serve the caster. The caster can move the hand to any point within range as they wish.

 The hand may block one opponent per round, halving the movement speed of a creature of less than 1000 points of weight. 

 The caster may attack with the hand, doing 1d4 points of damage with a successful attack using their own attack bonus/THAC0.

 Otherwise the hand may not interact with physical objects or creatures.

10. Shadow Hound

Duration: Special

Range: 30'

 Called forth from its home on the shadow plane the hound will act as guardian to one passage, room, door or similar. Any intruder will cause the hound to warn the caster. The hound can detect invisible creatures and does not react to illusions. 

 If an intruder exposes their back to the hound it will attack with THAC0 11[+8] doing 3d6 damage with the damage counting as magical damage.

 The hound can not be attacked, only dispelled. The hound remains for 1 hour plus an extra half hour per level of the caster. Once activated by an intruder the hound only remains for a further 1 round per level of the caster.

11. Shadowy Transformation

As per the illusionist spell.

12. Wall of Gloom

Duration: Concentration

Range: 60'

Conjures an opaque curtain of shadows, shaped as the caster wishes.

* Size: The wall can be any length, height, and shape the caster wishes, up to 1,200 sq. ft total. For example, it may be a straight wall 10’ high and 120’ long or a ring 20’ high and 10’ radius.

* Location: The wall cannot be created in an area occupied by objects.

* Monsters with fewer than 4 HD: Cannot pass the wall of gloom and must retreat for 1d3 rounds if they fail a save vs spells.

* Monsters with 4 or more HD:  Can pass through the wall on a successful save vs spell. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Four Spells

1. Black Tentacles

Duration: 1 hour

Range: 90'

 A 30' square is filled with 1d4+1 black tentacles. The tentacles are 10' long, have AC 4[15] and 1 hit point for ever level of the caster. The tentacles are unintelligent and will attack anything in range.

  A creature attacked by the tentacles must save vs spells, on a success they take 1d4 damage and the tentacle is destroyed. On a failure the creature takes 2d4 damage and is entangled, on subsequent round the tentacle does 3d4 damage to its victim.

2.  Create Drakenbeast

Duration: Special

Range: 120'

Animals under 2 HD in a 20' diameter circle are transformed into Drakenbeasts. One animal per level the caster may be transformed. The spell may only be cast in the dark.

 Drankenbeast: AC 4[15], HD 5+5, Att 1 x fangs  (1d10 +2) and 2 x claws (1d4), THAC0 15[+4], Movement 360', 120' flying, SV 10/11/12/13/14

Immune to mind control. -1 to attack rolls when exposed to bright light. Telepathically controlled by creator so do not check for morale.

3. Dispel Magic

As per the magic user spell.

4. Dimension Door

As per the magic user spell.

5. Dream of Truth

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

The recipient of the spell experiences a vivid dream related to the last thoughts they have before going to sleep. The dream can reveal an answer to one question or solution to one problem. As the answer comes from the dreamer's own subconscious information provided in the dream can only come from things the dreamer already knows even if it is things the conscious mind may have forgotten or is unable to reason itself.

6. Enervation

Duration: 1d4 hours

Range: Touch

 The creature touched temporarily loses one experience level (or Hit Die).

Attack roll: In combat, a melee attack roll is required. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted.

Effects: The victim loses one Hit Die of hit points, as well as all other benefits due to the drained level (e.g. spells, saving throws, etc.). A character’s XP is reduced to halfway between the former and new levels. 

Restrictions: Non-living targets (including undead) are not affected.

7. Fatigue

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 0

Creatures in a 30' cone must save vs spell or become fatigued. Fatigued creatures always act last in the round and are unable to retreat.

8. Gloom

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range: 120'

 All light sources within the area of effect are weakened. Mundane sources of light only illuminate a 5' radius, magical means of light only illuminate a 10' radius. The spell covers a 120' radius and may be cast on an object to make the area of effect mobile.

9. Minor Creation

As per the illusionist spell.

10. Shadow Monsters

As per the illusionist spell.

11. Shadowshield

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

The caster creates a phantom shadow to help protect the target of the spell. The phantom has half the hit points of the creature the spell is cast on and a 60% chance of being struck by any attack targeted at the creature.  When the phantom is reduced to 0 hit points or lower it is dispelled. Can only be cast when the recipient's shadow is visible. 

12. Shadow Well

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30'

The target's own  shadow reaches up and pulls the creature back into the shadow realm. The target must save vs spells or be pulled into the shadow realm for 1 round per level of the caster.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Three Spells

 1. Blacklight

As per the illusionist spell.

2. Continual Darkness

As per the cleric spell, can not be reversed.

3. Creeping Shadow

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Self.

You shadow grows 45 feet per round to a maximum of 30 feet per level of the caster. The shadow can move along floors and walls as a normal shadow. You may hear and speak through your shadow. While you may not physically interact with anything using your shadow your shadow can be attacked by +1 or better weapons, the shadow as the same armour and hit points as the caster, for any hit points lost by the shadow the caster loses the same amount.

4. Control Darkness and Shadows 

Duration: Concentration

Range:  120'

You can effect existing darkness and shadows, both natural and magical, by causing them to darken, lighten or move. The spell effects one 5ft cube of darkness or shadow per level of the caster.

5. Dark Bridge

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 120'

You create a bridge of darkness up to 200' in length. The bridge must be secured at both ends and can support up to 600 pounds of weight at a time.

6. Darkvision

Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster

Range: Touch

The subject gains the ability to see 60' even in complete darkness. No colours can be perceived with darkvision, only black and white. Magical darkness can not be penetrated by darkvision.

7. Fear

As per the illusionist spell.

8. Paralysation

As per the illusionist spell.

9. Phantom Steed

As per the illusionist spell.

10. Shadow Blink

Duration: Instant

Range: Self

 You step into a shadow and emerge from another shadow that you can see within 180' of the original shadow.

11. Shadow Cloak

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range: Self

When standing in shadows while under the effects of this spell the caster is invisible. The caster may step out of the shadows, attack, then back into shadows and disappear again as long as the spell is still active. The spell is dispelled by any light equal to natural sunlight or stronger.

12. Wraithform

As per the illusionist spell.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Two Spells

 Continuing on from yesterday the level two spells for the Shadowmancer. Again this is first draft stuff, any feedback greatly appreciated.

1. Claws of Darkness

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Self

Your hands become shadow claws which do 1d8 damage when attacked with. You may extend the claws up to 6' in length giving you 10' range on your claw attacks.

2. Dark Mirror

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Self

Using a mirror the spell has the following effects for its duration:

* Prevent magical darkness from forming around you.

* Reflect back magical darkness on the caster

*Allows you to see through any darkness up to 10' in distance.

3. Dancing Shadows

Duration: Concentration

Range: 120'

You create a 30' by 30' cube of dancing shadows, any creatures in that area must save vs spells or become disorientated, suffering a -2 to their attack rolls and saving throws.

4. Detect Magic

As per magic user spell.

5. Power Word, Sleep

Duration: 4d4 turns

Range: 240'

Targets a single creature up to 6+1HD, effects as per sleep spell.

6. Scare

Duration: 3d4 rounds

Range: 30'

A single creature of 6HD or less must save vs spells or be scared for the duration. Scared creatures fall into a fit of trembling and if cornered fight at -1 to hit, damage and saving throws.

Restrictions: Undead and elves are unaffected.

7. Shadow Burst

Duration: Instantaneous

Range: 180'

All creatures in a 60' line take 1d6 damage, with a successful save vs spells taking half damage.

8. Shadow Mask

Duration: 1 turn per caster level

Range: Self

A veil of shadows covers your face obscuring your identity. You gain a +4 to saving throws against light or darkness based spells and a 3 in 6 chance to save against gaze attacks.

9. Shadow Spray

Duration: 2d4 rounds

Range: 15'

A spray of black ribbons hits creatures in a 15' cone, creatures with 3HD or less must save vs spells or be blinded for the duration of the spell.

10. Spectral Hand

Duration: Concentration (up to 6 rounds)

Range: 90'

You conjure a ghostly hand anywhere within range which can be used to cast touch based spells of 4th level or lower.

11. Spectral Wings

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range:  Touch

You can spectral wings which allow you to fly as per the fly spell.

12. Spirit Armour

Duration: 2 rounds per level of the caster

Range: Self

Your AC is set to 4[15] for the duration of the spell.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level One Spells

 This is going to be part one of a longer series on a new class I'm working on. The shadowmancer will be an arcane caster themed around darkness and night with some over lap with the illusionist and necromancer. As this is first draft content it may get revised later. 

Any feed back, especially on new spells is especially appreciated.

1. Blacksteel

Duration: 2 turns per level of the caster

Range: Touch

Any weapon the spell is cast upon becomes dark and non-reflective. When used the weapon is silent, any blood spilt by the weapon adheres to the weapon rather than dripping or spraying to make a sound.

2. Chill Touch

As per necromancer spell.

3. Darkness

As per the magic user spell, can not be reversed to cast light.

4. Delirium

Duration: 1 round + 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Touch

 You touch a creature that is drugged, drunken, unconscious or sleeping, if they fail to save vs spell at a -2 penalty they begin talking in their sleep. There is a 2 in 6 chance per round that their babbling will reveal names, passwords, codes, words of activation, directions or other useful information.

5. Detect Shadows

Duration: 3 turns

Range: Caster or creature touched

The subject can see through shadows within 10’ per level of the caster. Hidden creatures or objects in the same range are also revealed.

6. Disrupt Undead

Duration: Instant

Range: 20’ long cone, 20’ wide at end

Undead creatures in cone must save vs death or take 1d6 damage.

7. Net of Shadows

Duration: 1d6 rounds

Range: 25'

A single creature must save vs spells or be caught in a net of shadows. Creatures within the net can not be seen nor can they see further than 5'. Darkvision does not penetrate the net of shadows.

8. Read Magic

As per the magic user spell.

9. Sleep

As per the magic user spell.

10. Spook

As per the illusionist spell

11. Touch of Fatigue

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Touch

The target must save vs spell or be fatigued. Fatigued creatures always act last in the round and are unable to retreat.

12. Whispering Shadows

Duration: Permanent until discharged

Range: Close

The spell imbues a chosen shadow with a message that will be triggered the next time a specific event occurs.

* The message must be 25 words long at most and in a language you know.

* The trigger must rely on an visual or auditory trigger.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Hunter (new class)

 Another character for your wilderness campaigns. A more thief life, less wild protector, take on a ranger type. Spend your days hunting in the woods, setting traps.


Requirements: Minimum CON 9, WIS 9

Prime requisite: DEX

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather, shields

Weapons: Any bows, one handed swords and axes, spears

Languages: Alignment, Common

Attack Bonus

Hunters have +1 to hit on attack rolls when using short or long bows.

Foraging and Hunting

A party with a hunter succeeds at foraging with a 2-in-6 chance and finds prey when hunting with a 5-in-6 chance.


In woods or undergrowth, a hunter can hide with a 90% chance of success.


As a ranger.

Set Trap

A hunter may spend a turn setting up a trap, an unaware creature who trips the trap has an attack with a +4 rolled against them by the hunter. If the attack succeeds, the victim must save versus death with a penalty dependent on the hunters’s level (works as the assassinate skill for assassin). If the save fails, the victim is instantly killed, otherwise the trap makes the victim immobile until they spend a round freeing themselves.

Humans / demihumans of any level and monsters of up to 4+1 HD can trigger a hunter’s trap.


As a ranger of the same level.

After Reaching 9th level

Upon reaching 9th level a hunter may found a hunters guild attracting 1d4 level two hunters and 1d8 level one hunters as apprentices.

Hunter Level Progression

                                                                        Saving Throws

Level XP HD         THAC0 D W P B S

1         0 1d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15

2         1,750 2d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15

3         3,500 3d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15

4         7,000 4d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15

5         14,000 5d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13

6         28,000 6d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13

7         56,000 7d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13

8         100,000 8d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13

9         200,000 9d4           14 [+5]         10 11 9 12 10

10         320,000 9d4+2*       14 [+5]         10 11 9 12 10

11         440,000 9d4+4*       14 [+5]         10 11 9 12 10

12         560,000 9d4+6*       14 [+5]         10 11 9 12 10

13         680,000 9d4+8*   12 [+7]          8 9 7 10 8

14         800,000 9d4+10*     12 [+7]          8 9 7 10 8

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Does it dungeon? Ukraine


 Spreading for 2500km below the city of Odessa is an absolute rabbit warren of catacombs. It definitely dungeons, you could have players spend years searching through all that!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

MCDM fan maps

 Over the years I made a few fan maps of Matt Colville's world, here is a dump of two world maps and two maps of Capital, the greatest city in this or any age.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Humble Bundle Mapping software

 For those looking to make maps for their own games there is another humble bundle of map making software on sale at the moment. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

Does it dungeon? Egypt part 2

 Catacombs of Kom al Shoqafa

A stark reminder that a side on view can really breathe life into a dungeon, the different levels make this tomb much more interesting as a potential dungeon than the initial top down view suggests. Think 3D with your dungeons!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Shadowdark race dump

 Here is a dump of some ideas for new racial backgrounds for Shadowdark


You know the Common and Celestial languages.

Divine touched. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons or a +1 bonus to divine spellcasting checks.


You know the Common and Draconic languages.

Scaleborn. You gain +1 to your amour class.


You know the Common, Gnomish and burrowing animal languages.

Cunning. You have a +1 bonus to all spellcasting checks.


You know the Common and Elvish languages.

Sharpeye. You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Forest Children

 An odd mix of fey and human, forest children are small creatures who live deep in the woods of the world.

Forest Children

Requirements: Minimum DEX 9

Prime requisite: WIS

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 8

Armour: Leather, shields

Weapons: Any of appropriate size

Languages: Alignment, Druidic, Elven, Sylvan, Common

Charm Immunity

Forest children are immune to the charms of fairies and Sylvan creatures (e.g. dryads, nixies).

Divine Magic

Magical research: Forest children of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to create new spells or other magical effects associated with their deity. When a forest child reaches 8th level, they are also able to create magic items.

Spell casting: Forest child may pray to receive spells from nature. The power and number of spells available to a forest children are determined by the character’s experience level. The list of spells available to forest childrens is found in the druid spell list.

Using magic items: As spell casters, forest children can use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by divine spell casters (e.g. some staves). forest childrens may not use magical books or tomes.

Defensive Bonus

Due to their small size, gnomes gain a +2 bonus to Armour Class when attacked by large opponents (greater than humansized).

Foraging and Hunting

A party with a forest child succeeds at foraging with a 2-in-6 chance and finds prey when hunting with a 5-in-6 chance.


Forest children have an uncanny ability to disappear from sight:

▶ In woodland cover, forest children can hide with a 90% chance of success.

▶ In dungeons, forest children can hide in shadows or behind other forms of cover.

The chance of success is 2-in-6. Hiding requires the forest children to be motionless.


Forest children can identify all plants and animals and can discern pure water.

Listening at Doors

Forest children have a 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises.

After Reaching 8th Level

Forest children have the option of creating a woodland stronghold that will attract forest children from far and wide.

Forest children Level Progression

                                                                        Saving Throws Spells

Level XP         HD     THAC0 D W P B S 1 2 3 4

1         0         1d4     19 [0]         8 9 10 14 11 1 – – –

2         2,000 2d4     19 [0]         8 9 10 14 11 2 – – –

3         4,000 3d4     19 [0]         8 9 10 14 11 2 1 – –

4         8,000 4d4     19 [0]           8 9 10 14 11 2 2 – –

5         16,000 5d4     17 [+2]         8 9 10 14 11 2 2 1 –

6         32,000 6d4     17 [+2]         6 7 8 11 9 2 2 2 –

7         64,000 7d4     17 [+2]         6 7 8 11 9 3 2 2 1

8         128,000         8d4     17 [+2]         6 7 8 11 9 3 3 2 2

Friday, March 10, 2023

Music for the table

 If you are looking for atmospheric stuff that is not obtrusive or full of lyrics I recommend this youtube channel.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Christmas Cheese Caper (Honey Heist Hack)

 This is a very simple reskin/rework/hack for Grant Howitt's pay what you want, one page RPG called Honey Heist.

The premise of the scenario is that once a year during the festive season there is an exclusive dinner party that is rumoured to include the greatest cheese platter ever assembled. There is not only cheese in abundance but types of cheese even the most cultured mouse has never heard of. A crack team of criminal critters has been assembled, planning to go in the night before the dinner party and get all that delicious cheese before the humans have a chance to eat it.

What you need to play this game:

* A copy of Honey Heist RPG

* Some d6 and a d8

* Some friends to play with

* Some actual cheese (optional but encouraged)

Once you have the one page pdf of Honey Heist every time you see the word "bear" or "honey" you replace it with "mouse" or "cheese" respectively. I would also read "cat" for any references to "bee". If you want to see an example of how the game is played check out Marisha Ray's one shot she ran for Critical Role.

How players generate characters

To generate a character you simply roll 3d6, use the descriptor and role lists from the base pdf. For mouse type and skill use the following list to replace the "bear type and skill" list from the base game.

1 Circus Mouse (acrobatics)

2 Sewer Rat (terrify)

3 Lab Mouse (sense cheese)

4 Junk Yard Mouse (machinery)

5 Church Mouse (sneaking)

6 Slum Mouse (chew through anything)

You then optionally roll a d8 to generate an accessory for your character to start the game with, accessories are considered to be mouse size.

1 Cigar

2 Pocket watch

3 Ski mask

4 Bow tie

5 Umbrella

6 Flat cap

7 Knitted scarf

8 A monocle

How to generate the scenario

If you want to randomly generate where the festive feast is being held roll 2d6 to get a descriptor from the base game and location from the table below.

1 Penthouse apartment

2 Country estate

3 Restaurant

4 Embassy

5 Town hall

6 Hotel ballroom

From there you use the security features table as printed and use the convention organiser table for the dinner party host. I would omit the "additional prize" table in favour of playing up the quantity and quality of cheese on the platter, feel free to run wild with your description of it and rumours of what it might contain. The "But little do the bears mice know" table also works as written.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Of MICE and Villains

 Every campaign needs a memorable villain and every villain needs a good motivation. So where do we get good motivations from?

In spy craft the acronym MICE, or some variation of, is used to describe the motivations for an asset turning traitor and I think is a good frame work to explore motivations for RPG campaign villains. There are a few definitions of what MICE stands for but lets dive in on the one I like so you can see what I mean.


"Greed is good" - Gordon Gecko

This is the easiest to understand and often is a motivation for players. Who doesn't want to build up fat stacks of loot? While this can be purely someone looking to acquire coin you can also think of it as power or anything along those lines.


"Rise up? Do you really believe men will fight and die for a rag on a pole?" - Richard Sharpe

This can be religion, political beliefs or nationalism. Nothing gets people killed on a grander scale than ideas and dreams. For examples see pretty much the entire of human history.


"I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry." - Lando Calrissian

This might be better employed on a sub villain than your full big bad but plenty of people find themselves backed into situations by outside forces and end up doing bad things. Of all the motivations this is the one you have to be most careful with as you can end up going down paths of coercion which involve subject matters not all players will be comfortable with, make sure you know your table before you go down dark paths.


"He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him. I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round Perdition's flames before I give him up." - Khan Noonien Singh

Some people just feel the burning desire to prove they are better, this can be an inbuilt trait or come from a slight at hands of another. Underling or adviser ignored by those above them filled with resentment turning down an evil path to prove everyone wrong is a good example.

That covers the basics but things become really interesting when you start mixing and matching these motivations to create layers to your characters.

Some bandit in the woods robbing people for money, are they just doing it for money or is there an ideology behind what they are doing? You got a Robin Hood on your hands here.

An NPC being coerced seeks out the help of the party to pay a ransom? Turns out there was no ransom and they've just made off with the money and made the party look bad, on going villain potential here.

The priest leading a peasant revolution backed by the ideology of helping the serfs break the bounds of the feudal system? They don't care about the peasants at all in the end, the priest's ego was slighted by the ruler of the land.

Does the knight's ego demand he face the king in single combat to prove he is the greater warrior or is the knight's family being held hostage and he is being coerced into killing the king?

Go out and make layered villains, surprise you players!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Does it dungeon? Petra

 Everyone's favourite wonder in Civilisation 5 is Petra but does it dungeon?

The grand temple of Petra does sort of, loops yes but loses points for being fairly symmetrical which can be kind of boring and only has one level. 

More famous is "The Treasury" whose facade features in the third Indiana Jones film.

Behind that facade is a some what disappointing temple, again symmetrical and not many rooms to boot.

Similarly the palace tomb, urn tomb and tomb of the roman soldier all leave something to be desired dungeon wise despite being impressive in real life.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Why aren't you writing adventures?

 One of the biggest issues for those of us who would write is a lack of artistic talent to go along with our projects. I just wanted to remind everyone that Dyson Logos has a huge selection of maps which are free for you use to use in commercial projects.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Search for the Temple of the Golden Spire

By Barney Sloane

Games Workshop

AD&D, 2nd-4th level

Premise: As the party arrives in a near abandoned village magical runes show a poem on a stone cross.

What do we get here?

  Over 4 pages in White Dwarf 22 we get a hex map and two major adventure sites



 Expecting players to solve a riddle to find the adventure is a bit of a dicey proposition, if they can't figure it out then just no adventure?

 The writing is pretty good for the most part. Things are kept to a minimum which is good even if it does tend towards a little bit of a lack of flavour in places. You actually get a lot of content in two pages thanks to the brevity. 

 Of the two major adventure sites, both have decent maps although I prefer the castle one that is a really nice little map. The writing of the kobold castle is the better of the two in my opinion, some of the locations in the castle are one of the places that some flavour actually comes through in the adventure. 

 The starting village could do with punching up a bit as could some of the magic items which are a bit bland. 

For the most part you can run as is and won't have too many problems.


   You should be able to drop in any forested region fairly easily.


 A decent little adventure that can be easily run even if it lacks a little in personality. I would definitely steal the kobold castle if I needed one.

Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...