Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Murder at Flaxton

 By Micahel Heaton

Games Workshop

AD&D, low-level

Premise: A customs agent washes up dead on the beach of a small fishing village, those sent to investigate disappear.

What do we get here?

  Over 5 pages in White Dwarf 67 we get a simple mystery adventure.



 A classic set, this is not a complicated adventure. Things could be a little better organised but for the most part this is an easy to follow adventure.

 It would have been nice to have a few more clues clearly spelt out for plays to bump into however this should be an easy-ish one to figure out, the village is not big enough for multiple suspects. Mercifully the backstory does not drag on excessively as some adventures do, fairly decently written in terms of brevity.

 The setting of this adventure is very grounded so you should not be surprised at the lack of magic items for rewards, gold only on offer here.


   Should fit any fishing village between two major towns.


 This is a situation for your players to drop into more than a detailed adventure, which is a good thing! A little more flavour on the NPC part would help really draw you in on this one however you have everything you need to improvise it out.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Does it dungeon? Egypt edition

 A further example of the problem of real world locations as dungeon layouts.

First we have King Tut's burial tomb, one of the most famous real world tombs.

Only really has five rooms and no loop, not a great dungeon really now is it?

Then we have the great pyramid of Giza.

It sort of has a loop in it but not a very interesting one.

Ancient dungeon designers are not really doing great for good game play.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Bloody Raven

By Kerry Mould

Self Published

Harn, low/moderate difficulty

Premise: While travelling in the wilds the players come across an abandoned dwarven outpost.

What do we get here?

  Over 6 pages we get a mini adventure.



 Consider me perplexed. This is supposed to be a "dungeon crawl, with the dungeon it self" however it seems to be missing the dungeon crawl part.

There is plenty of set up and an external map but nothing like a dungeon crawl map to go with it.

 I am down for the set up there just doesn't appear to be any follow through. Really needs a major flesh out to be able to run it.


   Pretty easy to put anywhere in the wild I suppose.


 More of an outline than anything else, not really game-able content as is.

Available on Lythia for free.


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Aasimar (new class)

 When The War in Heaven ended it was not just the elven gods that were claimed to be dead but also most of their celestial servants as well. Angels that fell in heavenly battles dispersed their fractions of divinity with the tiniest drops falling on the souls of mortals yet to be born, those angel touched souls are the assimar. 

 It is rare that there are more than a hundred living aasimar in the world at any time. Of all the civilizations in the world, it is the people of Aakaasheey that revere the aasimar the most, seeing them as one step down from the celestials that are the basis of religious worship in Aakaasheey.


Requirements: Minimum STR 9

Prime requisite: WIS and CHA

Hit Dice: 1d6

Maximum level: 10

Armour: Any, including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Celestial, Common

Prime requisites: An aasimar with at least 13 WIS and CHA gains a 5% bonus to experience. An aasimar with an WIS of at least 16 and a CHA of at least 13 receives a +10% XP bonus.

Divine Magic

Holy symbol: A aasimar must carry a holy symbol.

Deity disfavour: Aasimar must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment, clergy, and religion. Aasimar who fall from favour with their deity may incur penalties.

Spell casting: The power and number of spells available to an aasimar are determined by the character’s experience level. The list of spells available to aasimar is found in the cleric spell list.

Using magic items: As spell casters, aasimar can use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by divine spell casters (e.g. some magic staves).


Aasimar have infravision to 60’.

Laying on Hands

Once per day, an aasimar can heal 2 hit points per level by laying their hands on wounded characters.

Turning the Undead

Aasimar can invoke the power of their deity to turn undead as a cleric of the same level.


 Once per day from third level onwards an aasimar may produce spectral wings allowing them to fly as per the fly spell. The wings last for 1d6 turns plus one turn for every level of the aasimar.

After Reaching 9th Level

 An aasimar in good standing with their deity may build a shrine, temple, church or similar once they reach 9th level and take on the title of living saint. As a living saint the aasimar attracts 5d6x10 followers, these followers are completely devoted, never checking morale. The referee may decide the makeup of the followers based on the teachings of the character and their deity. 

Aasimar Level Progression

                                                                                Saving Throws   Spells

Level XP         HD         THAC0 D  W  P  B   S 1 2 3 4 5

1         0         1d6         19 [0] 12 13 13 15 15 1 – – – –

2         2,000 2d6         19 [0] 12 13 13 15 15 2 – – – –

3         4,000 3d6         19 [0] 12 13 13 15 15 2 1 – – –

4         8,000 4d6         17 [+2] 10 11 11  13 12 2 2 – – –

5         16,000 5d6         17 [+2] 10 11 11  13 12 2 2 1 – –

6         32,000 6d6         17 [+2] 10 11 11  13 12 2 2 2 – –

7         64,000 7d6         14 [+5]   8   9   9  10 10         3 2 2 1 –

8         120,000         8d6         14 [+5]   8   9   9  10 10         3 3 2 2 –

9         250,000         9d6         14 [+5]   8   9   9  10 10         3 3 3 2 1

10         400,000         9d6+2*     12 [+7]   6   7   8    8   8         3 3 3 3 2

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.             D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                            P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                            S: Spells / rods / staves.

Friday, February 24, 2023

A treasure trove of antiques

 No new content today, just wanted to highlight this blog series where Joe Nuttall looks at every published dungeon from the 70s and how adventure design evolved in that period. A truly fascinating resource I want to dig into at a later date.

It is kind of crazy that a series like that is even possible when compared to the glut of adventures we see spewed out today.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Red Chains

By Steve Winter

Sasquatch Game Studios

5E, level 4-6

Premise: Rescue a barbarian prince from slavers.

What do we get here?

  Over 14 pages we get an investigation and rescue adventure.



 A lot of investigation adventures suffer from being a railroad as there are only so many ways the designer can conceive for you to solve the mystery and this adventure has some of that. Some of the clues are very heavy handed and the options for resolution are straight up flagged as certain death if the PCs don't go the way the writer wants.

 I actually think it was a big mistake to not have the PCs go into the catacombs to rescue the barbarian prince, they actually sound like an interesting location that could have made a memorable end to the adventure. Just saying if they want to go in there being certain death is such a wet blanket.

 The writing is on the wordy side for sure. Big paragraphs could be cut down and the large read out blocks are tiresome too.

 I think you probably could hack this down and salvage something out of it if investigation adventures are your bag. Honestly the loose frame work and bullet points version would work a lot better as you have to keep things open handed given how players can be super unpredictable when investigating mysteries.

 The only rewards or treasure on offer here are gold which is boring as can be.


  Written for the Primeval Thule setting you can probably adapt this fairly easy to any setting with evil slavers in it as their city is where 90% of the adventure takes place.


 Probably not for me, I think we can learn something from this and work up a better adventure though. Rescuing someone from a slaver city is classic stuff and if it was done right is great adventure fodder.

Available on drive thru as part of an anthology with two other adventures, three for $9 is not too bad honestly before we get into the quality of the adventures.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Do Barrows make good adventure sites?

 A relatively short post today on the question of if barrows, as they exist historically, make good adventure sites for fantasy rpgs?

The problem is that the types we traditionally think of are entirely lacking in loops, giving players little meaningful choice in the way they explore them. I have seen this linear dungeon problem in a few of the products I have reviewed. If anyone can shout out some examples of real world barrow layouts that would make good rpg adventure sites I would be interested to see them!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

MA#95 The Little Book of Barrows Vol 1.

 By Tim Short


B/X, level 1?

Premise: Sort out a mess of ghost dog and wights bothering a rural family.

What do we get here?

  Over 8 pages we get 2 very small barrows.



 These are not really adventures or even adventure sites, more curios you can place in a hex for players to stumble across and poke at.

 The first barrow comes with an unnecessary page of back story that will never come up in play. 

 I like the concept of the two barrows, the maps and writing are decent they just need to be expanded a little both in room size and theme. There is actually some merit to the idea of a book of barrows, file that under ideas I'll never follow up on.


   Very simple to drop into hexes as required.


 I feel like the author always gets off to a good start with these micro set ups they just need a bit more polish to the writing.

Available on the author's patreon


Monday, February 20, 2023

My homebrew world

 Everybody has one, here is a dump of maps I have made over the years of my homebrew world Aelwydi.

The continent of Tirbore is my rough fantasy Europe analogue. Human kingdoms dominate the western portion of the continent, the central mountain range is home to the dwarven thanes while orc and goblins historically dominated the eastern part of the kingdom, now a new power rises in the east in the form of an evil dwarven empire of exiles.

Known as Strangur the most northern continent is a fantasy Scandinavia where civilisation is held at the mercy of an ancient white dragon.

What remains of the Elven home continent after its destruction are the tiny tropical islands of Llaethod which is now home to minotaur slavers and pirates.

Civilisation hangs by a thread on the continent of Deheuol as the human kingdoms of the continent focus on their petty squabbles rather than face the existential threat of the undead armies that maraud from the centre of the continent. Deheuol serves as my fantasy Africa analogue.

In the far west is the continent of Haulilwar, my fantasy Asia analogue. Outsiders may consider the Fenghuang empire the largest empire in the world however it is barely cohesive ever changing sea of warlords who only pay lip service to the imperial family.

Finally a map of the night sky as seen from the Southern hemisphere. The people of Aakasheey believe the constellations represent the celestial beings they worship.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Spudfield Good Girl

 By Niklas Wistedt

self published

B/X, low levels

Premise: Sort out a mess of ghost dog and wights bothering a rural family.

What do we get here?

  Over 2 pages we get a 6 room dungeon.



This adventure has a pretty decent set up, which the locals misunderstand so needs investigating by the players. I think there might need to be one or two more clues to get the players going in the direction, otherwise pretty good.

 The writing is functional, maybe a tiny bit verbose in places, otherwise it is fine.

 Standing out here is the art, some nicely drawn locations which really add to the piece. 

 There is a nice unique magic item and the actual lay out of the dungeon is pretty good.


   Can be put in any small settlement and run fairly easily.


 Not as good as the previous effort I reviewed from the same creator however it has personality and will be a decent little adventure to run.

Free on the author's blog, can't go wrong with that.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Soothsayer (new class)

 Those that stare into the fates attempting to unpick the strands of reality can be powerful allies.

 Consider this class to be a divination wizard without formal training, a fortune teller, mystic or local wise person. They may consult the tarot, read tea leaves or consult a bag of rune stones to tease out secret knowledge.


Requirements: None

Prime requisite: WIS

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: None

Weapons: Dagger, staff

Languages: Alignment, Common

 To perform their craft all soothsayers require some equipment of their trade, this will vary from culture to culture and may take the form of bones, dice, cards, sticks, rune stones or similar.


 Soothsayers may use a crystal ball, mirror, pool of water or similar to attempt to scry on others. Scrying takes a turn to prepare and may only be attempted once per day per subject.

▶ Duration: The vision lasts for one turn.

▶ Clarity: The clarity of the vision is dependent on the scryer’s familiarity with the subject.

Subject is Chance of Locating

Personally well known 100%

Personally known slightly 85%

Pictured                 50%

Part of in possession 50%

Garment in possession 25%

Well informed of         25%

Slightly informed of                        20%

On another plane         25%

Soothsayer Skills

Soothsayers can use the following skills with a range of 30’ unless stated otherwise, with the chance of success shown below.

▶ Augury (AU): Requires 1 turn of concentration. Can tell the caster whether a particular action will bring good or bad results in the next 3 turns. May only be attempted once per particular action.

▶ Divination (DI): Requires 1 turn of concentration. Can provide the caster with useful information regarding an area, building or location. May only be attempted once per subject.

▶ Identify (ID): Requires 1 turn of concentration. Can provide the caster with the magical properties of one item. Failed checks may be re-attempted if the soothsayer is willing to spend the additional time.

▶ Know alignment (KA): Grants immediate knowledge of the alignment of one character, monster, object, or location. May only be attempted once per subject.

▶ Legend Lore (LL): Reveals legends about a person, thing or place.Casting requires 1d4x10 turns for a subject in the casters presence, 1d10 days if the caster has detailed knowledge of the subject and 2d6 weeks if only rumours are known. Failed checks may be re-attempted if the soothsayer is willing to spend the additional time.

After Reaching 11th Level

 A soothsayer may build a stronghold, often a great tower. 1d6 apprentices of levels 1-3 will arrive to sudy under the soothsayer.

Soothsayer Level Progression

                                                                              Saving Throws 

Level XP         HD     THAC0 D   W  P   B  S 

1         0         1d4      19 [0]                 13 14 13 16 15 

2         2,000 2d4      19 [0]                 13 14 13 16 15 

3         4,000 3d4      19 [0]                 13 14 13 16 15 

4         8,000 4d4      19 [0]                 13 14 13 16 15 

5         16,000 5d4      19 [0]                 13 14 13 16 15 

6         32,000 6d4      17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 

7         64,000 7d4      17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 

8         150,000         8d4      17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 

9         300,000         9d4      17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 

10         450,000         9d4+1* 17 [+2] 11 12 11 14 12 

11         600,000         9d4+2* 14 [+5]   8   9   8 11   8 

12         750,000         9d4+3* 14 [+5]   8   9   8 11   8 

13         900,000         9d4+4* 14 [+5]   8   9   8 11   8 

14         1,050,000 9d4+5* 14 [+5]   8   9   8 11   8 

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                                P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                                S: Spells / rods / staves.

Soothsayer Skills Chance of Success

Level AU DI ID   KA LL

1         70  30 50   50 20

2         72  35 55   55 23

3         74  40 60   60 25

4         76  45 65   65 26

5         78  50 70   70 35

6         80  55 75   75 45

7         82  60 80   80 55

8         84  65 83   83 65

9         86  70 86   86 70

10         89  75 90   90 75

11         92  80 92   92 80

12         95  85 95   95 85

13         98  90 98   98 90

14         99  95 99   99 95

Friday, February 17, 2023

Where it all started

 Something a bit different today.

Been doing some reorganising so here is a bit of where my table top interest started.

I'm from the UK so my childhood was dominated by Games Workshop of the 90s, so that means largely wargaming rather than RPGs. Wahmmer Quest was a big part of my gaming for a several years however that was purely hack and slash, we never touched the roleplay book for that game, just the random generation and hacking away at monsters.

Prior to the table top stuff there were the fighting fantasy books from Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. Other game books that followed up from that were the Knightmare tie in ones, the show itself being a big influence on me, and the Lonewolf books.

Included in the above picture at the bottom is the all full collection of The Ancestral Trail, a very popular early 90s magazine that had a first set of issues with a fantasy story and a second set with a sci-fi theme.

 My introduction to actual d&d didn't come till I found the Dragonlance books in the school library and then there was no actual playing just reading novels. While the d&d novels made it over here I never saw the actual RPG books in my local bookstores. 

 Following on from that was of course the Bioware Infinity Engine games, Baldur's Gate 1&2 as well as Icewind Dale 1&2. I did not play Planescape: Torment till it got the Enchanced Edition release from Beamdog.

Hopefully this little jaunt through my cupboards gives you an idea where I am coming from with my table top influences. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Curse of the pyramid

By OnePageMage

self published

5E, level 4

Premise: A cursed monster is rumoured to protect great treasures in a pyramid.

What do we get here?

  Over 1 page we get a 5 encounter adventure.



Within the limitations of a one page dungeon this adventure is okay, nothing special. It is laid out well, you can easily follow and run this one.

 There is a lack of anything really evocative, there is no theme that really shines through.

 As 5E adventures go this is a pretty standard one and will be missing a lot of the elements OSR players might be looking for in terms of interactivity and so on.


   While described as a pyramid in the desert the basic nature of this one means it could be a tomb in any location really.


 As always hard to argue with free, just not a lot here.

 Available for free on reddit.


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Perpetual Temple of the Pale Falcon

 By Sean F. Smith

self published

Basic(?), levels 1-2

Premise: The court wizard wants you to go get the mcguffin from a dungeon.

What do we get here?

  Over 4 pages we get a dungeon split over 3 small levels.



The writing here is very simple and workman like. It is all nuts and bolts, no flowery or evocative language.

 There is a nice theme and set up to the dungeon, especially the second level.

 At times the lack of evocative language does make it feel like the theme is not fully played out into the setting. An example of the lack of flavour is no unique magic items. The adventure hook is pretty lazy too. A little bit of effort goes a long way.


   Pretty simple to plop down as it is just a dungeon.


 A nice little pick up, probably value for money.

 Available on drive thru for under $3.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Surgerock Vault

By Malrex

The Merciless Merchants

OSE, levels 7-9

Premise: A strange floating rock presents options for exploration.

What do we get here?

  Over 10 pages we get a dungeon split over 4 small levels.



It is hard to find much wrong with this adventure, the maps not being up front is about all I would pick issue with.

 The writing is clear and in places evocative. For me the highlight is some of the magic items on offer, nicely unique.

 A very nice adventure location for decent level PCs to poke through. There are factions and alternate routes of exploration. I suppose you could say there is a slight lack of interactivity if you are being really picky.


   A mysterious floating rock is pretty easy to drop in anywhere even if you don't have a sea in your setting.


 Pay what you want on drive thru, definitely a worth while pick up.


Monday, February 13, 2023

Whirlpool Barrow

 By ClericsWearRingmail

self published

Basic, 3rd level

Premise: It is a dungeon and you are adventurers, what more do you need?

What do we get here?

  Over 9 pages we get a dungeon with 24 keyed rooms.



 We get no context for this dungeon which is a real shame as it might help reinforce a theme for the location.

 The layout is decent, map up front and mini maps with every room. I like the writing too, it won't win any awards but it gets the job done in terms of giving you all the important information succinctly.

 Another major omission here is decent magic items as treasure, a real oversight.

 For the most part this would be easy to run and there is plenty to interact with.


   The lack of context makes this a pretty portable effort.


 Entirely free on the author's blog so no reason not to pick up to have stored away as a back up option.


Sunday, February 12, 2023

St. Kruskiev's Gold

By Agathokles & Chipman


D&D type games(?), levels 2-4

Premise: Help a church recover stolen relics.

What do we get here?

  Over 6 pages we get an investigation adventure.



 To start out with I am not a huge fan of the formatting of this adventure. Huge pillars of text hide away all the important information and the NPCs your players are hunting for are not detailed till far too late in the text with too much info.

 Mysteries and investigations can be hard to run in d&d type games and this adventure gatekeeps a lot of the clues behind skill checks which is always a bad idea. Roll bad? No adventure for you tonight.

 Because of the nature of the way these types of adventures play out this ends up being more a framework with some suggested scenes as who knows how your players will stumble around.


   The adventure is very tied into the politics of the setting so you will have to switch that up if you want to run it in another setting. Requires a decent sized city to be run in


 Given away for the low, low price of free I still can't recommend this one really. From the log line of the adventure you can probably come with something equal to if not better than what we get here.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Herbalist (new class)

 Do you enjoy picking flowers and making magic potions? Then this is the class for you, something that might fit well in a Dolmenwood campaign or any other game with a wilderness focus.


Requirements: None

Prime requisite: WIS

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather,including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common

Cure Poison

In the wilderness, a herbalist can gather herbs to concoct an antidote to natural poisons. This takes one turn per character to be cured. Each subject may make a second save versus poison to end the effects.


A herbalist has the power to create a healing salve. This may be used once per day per level of the herbalist and cures 1d3hp.

Herbalist skills

Herbalists can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown below:

▶ Forage (FO): A herbalist may forage for enough food for 1d6 human sized beings.

▶ Identify plant (IP): A herbalist may attempt to identify any plant life they come across. Failed checks may not be retried until the herbalist has gained a level.

▶ Locate Plant (LP): A herbalist may spend 1 turn attempting to find a specific type of plant if it exists within the current area. Failed checks may be retried if the herbalist is willing to spend the additional time. 

▶ Predict Weather (PW): A herbalist gains accurate knowledge of the weather within 1 mile for the next 12 hours. Failed checks may not be retried.


In woodland cover, a herbalist can hide with a 90% chance of success.

Magical potions

Magical research: A herbalist of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to invent new types of magical potions and to research potential new ingredients for magical potions. A herbalist of any level is able to create magical potions with the right investment of time, money and special ingredients.

After Reaching 9th Level

 Upon reaching 9th level a herbalist may establish a herbalists guild attracting 2d4 herbalists as apprentices.

Herbalist Level Progression

As a thief.

Herbalist Skills Chance of Success

Level FO IP LP PW 

1         75  30 20  20

2         80  35 23  23

3         83  40 25  25

4         85  45 26  26

5         87  50 35  35

6         90  55 45  45

7         92  60 55  55

8         93  65 65  65

9         94  70 70  70

10         95  75 75  75

11         96  80 80  80

12         97  85 85  85

13         98  90 90  90

14         99  95 95  95

Friday, February 10, 2023

HH-1 Nashka's Lair

 By Erin Bisson

Rended Press

B/X, levels 1-2

Premise: Orcs have moved into an abandoned dwarven redoubt!

What do we get here?

  Over 10 pages we an adventure with a 7 room dungeon.



 What we get on the page is pretty well thought out and organised. There is good advise on how to run the combatants and the potential for some faction play.

 The treasure is okay, nothing special. When we finally get the map it is decent enough for the small size.

 My problem with this one is that it misses the key parts of the adventure that build up to the dungeon. You have to do all the work yourself of building up Nashka as an interesting and memorable villain. We need some villages that have been laid waste to and so on, tales of Nashka's cruelty.

 There is potential here you just have to pull it out of the adventure.


   Given the lack of background to this adventure it is pretty portable.


 This is a free adventure so hard to complain too much. Just wish there was more to it to make it a solid recommend rather than it being an average orc dungeon you can pull out in a pinch.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Opened Barrow - Beyond the Wall Scenario pack

By John Cocking & Peter S. Williams

Flatland games

Beyond the Wall, starting characters

Premise: A barrow near your village has been opened, and now there is an unquiet spirit to deal with!

What do we get here?

  Over 8 pages we get tables to create an adventure.



 This is not an adventure exactly, rather most things you need to improvise one on the fly. 

More realistically what you'll do is roll up most of this before hand then slot in some details from the player character creation. In Beyond the Wall character creation fills out the NPCs and locations of the starting village which I have always thought is a nice touch to the game, something I regularly want to steal for my own nefarious uses.

 The table entries are really good at giving you plenty of hooks to pull off of in a single sentence and the tables included are comprehensive enough to give you the frame work. You can even get some good faction play and interesting treasures out of the tables, nice!

 What is missing here is a barrow map or a way to generate a barrow map. Otherwise you are good to go. Even the monsters you might need are all included in the 8 page write up, very helpful.


   You can probably adapt this pretty easily to any barrow haunting village scenario you want to use, not just as a starting adventure.


 A tiny bit more flavour would really tip this over the edge however as is I think it is a really good starter for either new or experienced referees. Beyond the Wall gets rather over looked in the OSR scene these days which I think is a real shame given all the fantastic tools it has like this, there is a huge amount to plunder from the system.

 This scenario pack is part of a larger product which is $5.99 over on drive thru, plenty of value in my opinion for the whole thing.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

BH12 In Search of the Forgotten City

By RC Pinnell

Self published

Basic, 3rd level+

Premise: After finding the local ruins cleared you discover a door to a secret layer below.

What do we get here?

  Over 15 pages we get a 2 level dungeon.



 My pet peeve of dungeon maps being right at the end of the adventure rather than near the text rears its ugly head here. A large number of chambered are keyed E for empty with the helpful suggestion you could stock them yourself as if this is not the job of the one writing the adventure. Beyond empty rooms there are a number of other areas where the GM is encouraged to "fill in" if they so desire.

 Everything is written in long paragraphs you have to hack through which makes my patience for this adventure pretty thin. There is nothing in the way of theme here, just a mish mash of monsters. Lack of theme and bland writing gives little flavour to the adventure

 There are loops in the map, when we do finally get them. Nothing approaching faction play is available here due to the random monsters included. Some of the treasure shows at least a little thought behind it.


   Supposed to be the mid part of a three adventure series so hard to really drop down on its own.


 No flavour means no love from me.

Not sure where I picked this up originally and doesn't seem to show up on google anymore, you aren't missing much.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Maggot King MA98

  By Tim Shorts

Self published

No system/level given

Premise: Investigate what lies beyond a stone door in the woods.

What do we get here?

  Over 4 pages we get a simple 2 room dungeon.



 Obviously you are not going to get a lot in a two room dungeon however there is a decent amount of stuff to interact with given the size.

 There is a fair amount of superfluous backstory that players are never going to get to know unless you seed it way in advance of them running into this tomb which seems unlikely as this is supposed to be a random hex encounter really. It would be better to foreshadow things if there was a maggot carved on the initial door rather than a crow.

 The writing and formatting is fine, nothing special. For four pages this is perfectly usable content.

 I do like the attempt to put some unique treasure in with the bone dust, that is pretty nice. Given the size of the dungeon there is obviously no space for faction play really.


   You might need to switch up the lore a little but you can basically drop this in anywhere as intended.


 If you want a really short dungeon this is a fine little example you can pull out without needing much thought.

Available on the author's patreon.


Monday, February 6, 2023

Fungi of the Urwald Forest

Hi everyone!

Offering up the first OSR product I have tried to make, it is a system neutral book aimed at OSR type games.

This book contains a mixture of the mundane and fantastic mushrooms which are found in the Urwald forest, exploring their uses and their place in elven or waldish culture.

While the lore in this book is specific to my own homebrew world of Aelwydi any mechanical effects are designed to be system neutral, it should be relatively easy to convert the content for use in your own world and system of choice.

The sixty six mushrooms contained within offer a selection of location dressing, consumable items, plot hooks and merchandise for players to discover.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bird of a Feather

By Zach Galzar & John Hammerle

Lesser Gnome

B/X games, levels 3-4

Premise: A village wants brave hunters to go kill a dangerous bird.

What do we get here?

  Over 21 pages we get a five points of interest and a 6 room dungeon.



 A lot of effort has been put into cross linking the content in this adventure and the writing. Unfortunately nearly all the effort in the writing is in florid text only the referee will ever have to read. 

 Getting through this adventure is a real chore, it is a 5 or 6 page adventure split over 21 pages. There is a huge backstory that the writers even admits is unnecessary. When we finally get to the adventure itself it is pretty bog standard stuff with no real theme about it.

 I appreciate the effort to attempt to create some unique magic items however some of them are a bit crass. 

 You can see what they are going for but this just is not fun and the writing doesn't carry it.


   Yeah, sure it is designed as a drop in adventure so it is pretty portable.


 A chore to read through and not inspiring to want to play. That's a no.

Available on drive thru.


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bounty Hunter (new class)

 Ready to take names and collect bounties? I have the class for you!

 An unholy alliance of assassin and ranger come together in the bounty hunter class.

Bounty Hunter

Requirements: Minimum DEX 9, minimum CON 9

Prime requisite: STR

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather, chainmail, including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common


Bounty hunters are only surprised on a roll of 1. This may mean that a bounty hunter is able to act in the surprise round while their companions are surprised.

Bounty hunter Skills

Bounty hunters can use the following skills with the chance of success shown opposite:

▶ Hear noise (HN): In a quiet environment (e.g. not in combat), a bounty hunter may attempt to listen at a door or to hear the sounds of something (e.g. a wandering monster) approaching.

▶ Hide in shadows (HS): Requires the bounty hunter to be motionless—attacking or moving while hiding is not possible.

▶ Knock unconscious (KU): When attacking an unaware humanoid from behind, a bounty hunter gains a +4 bonus to hit. If the attack succeeds, the victim must save Versus paralyzation with a penalty dependent on the bounty hunter’s level (noted in the table below). If the save fails, the victim is instantly knocked unconscious, otherwise the Bounty hunter’s attack inflicts normal damage.

▶ Move silently (MS): A Bounty hunter may attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.


As an assassin of the same level.


As a ranger of the same level.

After Reaching 9th Level

 Upon reaching 9th level a bounty hunter may establish a bounty hunters guild attracting 2d8 1st level bounty hunters to work under them.

Bounty Level Progression

                                                                                Saving Throws

Level XP         HD         THAC0 D   W  P   B   S

1         0         1d8           19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

2         2,500 2d8           19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

3         5,000 3d8           19 [0] 12 13 14 15 16

4         10,000 4d8           17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

5         20,000 5d8           17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

6         40,000 6d8           17 [+2]         10 11 12 13 14

7         80,000 7d8           14 [+5]          8   9 10 10 12

8         160,000         8d8           14 [+5]          8   9 10 10 12

9         280,000         9d8           14 [+5]          8   9 10 10 12

10         400,000         9d8+2*     12 [+7]          6   7   8   8 10

11         520,000         9d8+4*     12 [+7]          6   7   8   8 10

12         640,000         9d8+6*     12 [+7]          6   7   8   8 10

13         760,000         9d8+8*     10 [+9]          4   5   6   5   8

14         880,000         9d8+10*   10 [+9]          4   5   6   5   8

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply.             D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                            P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                            S: Spells / rods / staves.

Who Can be Knocked Unconscious?

Humans / demihumans of any level and humanoid monsters of up to 4+1 HD.

(Non-living creatures are immune.)

Bounty Hunter Skills Chance of Success


1         1–2 10    0   20

2         1–2 15    0   25

3         1–3 20    0   30

4         1–3 25   -1   35

5         1–3 30   -1   40

6         1–3 33   -2   43

7         1–4 36   -2   46

8         1–4 40   -3   50

9         1–4 43   -3   53

10         1–4 46   -4   56

11         1–5 50   -4   60

12         1–5 53   -5   63

13         1–5 56   -5   66

14         1–5 60   -6   70

Friday, February 3, 2023

The Barrow of the Tapping Crow

 By Tim Shorts

Self published

No system/level given

Premise: Crows sit atop a barrow in the woods, go investigate.

What do we get here?

  Over 2 pages we get a simple barrow to explore.



 For simple content this is pretty good. I would really like to see the contents of the barrow tied together better thematically however if you can over look that it runs fine.

 I like the treasure, the magical bracers are whatever but the magical torch is pretty nice.

 The random monster encounter table only has four entries, which is fine, I am not sure they fit so well for such a small and enclosed location. 

 There is the odd grammar mistake in the writing which is not the end of the world.


   You could drop this into any woodland hex you have that needs spicing up.


 I like the idea, the execution just needs a couple more drafts to really amp this thing up. As is you can pull out and drop in easily enough I just don't love it despite the potential it has.

Available on the author's patreon.


Thursday, February 2, 2023

In the Pines MA#93

By Tim Shorts

Self published

No system/level given

Premise: A small village requires the help of an elf!

What do we get here?

  Over 6 pages we get a small solo adventure for an elf character.



 I am kind of baffled at the order information is given in this adventure. It really seems like the pages are out of order and with so few pages that is a pretty impressive feat to achieve.

 You can figure out what is going on after reading through the whole thing but really should you have to in this day and age?

 The adventure itself is a twist where the PC ends up as the sacrifice. Without much warning and no clues that is a bit harsh. And what is the character supposed to do when they find out they have been double crossed? It does not go anywhere after that.

With some time and effort you could probably build a folk-horror out of this adventure, it just is not here with what is given.


 I will say that the hex map of the area is nicely done, well worth using if nothing else.


   Any small forested area should fit for this adventure, you could probably make it work for a party rather than solo if you really wanted too.


 Potential with a major rewrite. The author puts out a nice looking product it just does not work is the problem. 

Available on the author's patreon.


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dead Troll Halls

By Clerics Wear Ringmail

Self published

B/X, level 4

Premise: Go explore the dungeon of the troll priest.

What do we get here?

  Over 7 pages we get a dungeon with 12 keyed locations.



 A troll holy space has some potential to it as an idea, I am not sure this adventure does particularly deep on that though. It could easily be a holy place of any type of creature, there is nothing that really screams troll about the place.

 Rooms have a decent amount of interactivity. There is one save or die trap that is not really telegraphed very well which seems a bit harsh.

 Writing is good enough to run from, nothing to really blow you away. Treasure is all mundane, nothing too special.



   Does not look to hard to drop in as there is nothing implied with in the dungeon about the location the dungeon is found in. A lack of hooks is a double edged sword in that regard, gives flexibility but requires more work of the referee.


 Fine if not inspiring. You can run as is just nothing makes you want to. Free on the writer's blog.


Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...